Chapter Eight

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I took a deep breath before starting. "I have been an AMF agent for three years after joining with my best friend, Taylor Star. At the time, there were only two other agents in AMF, with the exception of Wallace. Fourth year agents, Drake Carter and Jaxon Steele, my brother and his best friend.

"AMF was different back then. We trained in all aspects of the field, we carried weapons and knew how to use them, and we fought hard. We bled for our cause. We took down major crime organizations and made a real difference in the community.

"One mission was different than the others. We went after a cartel, bigger than any other AMF had ever faced. We started surveillance and found that we had bit off more than the four of us could chew. We had tons of evidence against the cartel, but we couldn't get at them with the usual methods. Instead, we sealed up the evidence in an envelope and delivered it to the police station.

"The police had enough evidence to convict every single person who had even had a conversation with the cartel. And they did. Every single member was arrested and convicted for a life sentence. Except for Alberto Trujillo.

"He was the leader of Los Pecadores, and a lot smarter than the others. He never got his hands dirty. He always sent someone else. That being said, we couldn't follow him and just take pictures. We had to go in and collect the evidence from his office. Even then, the police didn't get enough on Trujillo to convict him for life. He got a two year sentence with no option of parole."

I paused to take a deep breath. "He got out two months ago."

I let that sink in before continuing, "He hacked our system and has been watching us for at least two months, trying to gauge how powerful AMF is and when the best time to act would be.

"He knows we don't have the power to stop him. He's going to hit us hard. And he's going to hit us soon."

Everyone was quiet as they thought about what I just said. Finally, Jennifer broke the silence. "So, now what?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Now... I make some calls."

Jaxon dug his phone out of his pocket and tossed it to me, knowing exactly who I was calling. I nodded thanks to him.

I took a deep breath, running a hand through my hair before dialing the number. I put the phone to my ear and listened to the dial tone.


"Tofu is pleasing to the tongue."

I ended the call and released a shaky breath. Before I could lose my nerve, I dialed the next number. It was answered on the first ring.

"I told you to stop calling-"

I smirked at what was being said. Since I was using Jaxon's phone, she thought it was Jaxon calling. My smirk faded as I said, "Wasabi donuts are disgusting."

I hung up the call again. I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. I tossed the phone back to Jaxon and walked over to Xavier's cage. I sat down next to it, leaning my back against the wall and closing my eyes. I listened to the chatter fill the room as the agents started shooting rapid fire questions at me.


They had finally stopped talking.

It had taken an hour of me sitting there not acknowledging them in the slightest for them to finally get the idea that I wasn't going to answer their questions. They had settled on looking at all the pictures on the wall. I wasn't happy about it, but at least they weren't talking.

They were smarter than I gave them credit for; none of them asked any questions about the pictures.

I was still sitting next to Xavier's cage while Jaxon leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and his head rested back. The agents were looking extremely bored and Xavier was asleep. Wallace was sitting in her chair, watching over all of us.

The door to the stairwell beeped, showing that it was unlocked. Jaxon and I shot up, pulling our guns as we did. The door opened a crack and a male voice said, "Don't shoot! My face is too pretty to be shot!"

Another voice, this time female, said, "Would you shut up and go in already?"

The first genuine smile I had had for a while found its way onto my face. I put my gun back and ran forward as the door opened up all the way and they came in. I crashed into Drake's arms and he picked me up, spinning me around. He set me down and said, "Little sister! It's been far too long!"

I laughed and said, "Ya think?"

"Hey! It's only been two years and oh my gosh what is in your ear?" He shouted, grabbing my chin and turning my face to get a better look at the piercings that covered my ear.

"You like?" I asked, laughing.

"Do I like the metal things sticking out of my baby sister's ear? Of course not! Why... Why... Why would you do that?"

I laughed at his stunned expression. "Oh relax; it's only a couple of piercings!"

"Yeah, Drake! Now she looks tough!" I looked passed my brother to see Taylor Star, my best friend since elementary school, standing there with a smile on her face.

I heard my brother mutter something about "crazy goth chick." I ignored him.

"'Sup fool?" I said, walking over and giving Taylor that weird hug thing guys do where they grab each other's hand and slap their backs.

"Sup," she replied.

"You guys promised you would stop if we stopped!" Jaxon complained, coming over and shaking Drake's hand.

"Yes, but then we realized how much you guys hated it, so we just had to keep doing it!" Taylor said as she gave Jaxon a hug. Jaxon and Drake rolled their eyes as Taylor and I laughed.

"Wallace! How I missed your smiling face!" Drake said sarcastically as he walked over to where Wallace had stood from her chair. She had a disapproving look on her face, but when Drake hugged her, it softened a little.

"Don't you mean you miss Crystal's pies?" Wallace asked, chuckling as Taylor gave her a hug as well.

"Well, that too," Drake said. I laughed again.

Jennifer walked over to me and, pointing to Drake, asked, "That's your brother?"

I nodded my head yes in response.

"He's hot," she commented.

I rolled my eyes before saying, "Go sit back down." She walked away chuckling.

A lot can happen in two years, so we stood around talking for a couple minutes and catching up. Though the tension between Jaxon and I was obvious, no one brought it up. Finally, Drake and Taylor noticed the other people in the room.

"So, who are the suits?" Taylor asked me.

"Agents," I said simply. My smile faded, a blank mask taking over my face. Guess it was time to get down to business. I walked back over to the agents and stopped in front of them. I spread my feet and put my hands behind my back. Taylor, Drake, and Jaxon joined me; copying my stance and standing in a line.

"Congratulations. The seven of you have officially earned the title of recruit."

"But we were already agents!" Victoria started. I turned a cold stare her way, silencing her further complaints.

"Now, we train."

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