Chapter Nineteen

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*Victoria's Point of View*

"How... Does... He... Move... So... Fast?" I asked between breaths of air.

"How should I know?" Aaron gasped out.

I didn't actually have an answer for that, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to say it for lack of oxygen. Instead I kept running, following the guy Agent Carter had told us to shadow and gain intel on.

We had been following him for five hours now and had gotten almost nowhere.

When Carter first called him out, he was climbing out of his car and heading towards a coffee shop. A couple minutes in, he came out with a to-go cup and went into a shop next door.

Since then, he had gone into multiple shops, for various amounts of times. He would come out, throw something in his car, and continue on to the next stop.

Then, about ten minutes ago, he spotted us. He was throwing a bag of what looked like rope into the trunk of his car when he glanced back and saw us. He had stared at us for a minute, trying to figure out what was going on. Then, he just turned and ran. Aaron and I left the couples picnic behind in order to keep him in sight.

I didn't know how the others were doing. They were supposed to be gathering intel on this guy as well, but I was too busy dodging cats and trash cans in the alleys to see if they were behind us or not.

"Lookout!" Aaron shouted.

Too late, I realized there was a dumpster right in front of me. I slammed into it full force, my body catapulting over the low edge and I landed with a squish on top of various garbage bags.

Trying not to vomit at the horrible odor, I clawed at the edge to pull myself out. Finally, Aaron stopped laughing enough to grab my hand and pull me out. He used too much force though, so I flew over the edge and fell on top of an empty cardboard box laying on the ground next to the dumpster.

With a groan, I pushed myself up, having to hold the edge of the dumpster to keep from falling right back down due to my head making the world spin. After a second, the world stopped spinning and I let go of the dumpster. Looking back at Aaron, I saw that he was laughing again.

"What now?" I asked, a little annoyed that he was finding this so amusing.

With another chuckle, he said, "Nothing, let's just go before we lose him."

I didn't believe him when he said he wasn't laughing at anything, but at this point, he was right. If we didn't get going, we would lose our guy for good. With that in mind, I took a deep breath, and started running.


*Jaycee's Point of View*

Six hours of Go Fish was a challenge. It was also hilarious. After all the recruits left their posts, Jaxon had pulled out a deck of cards. With the most serious, blank face I have ever seen, he dealt out the cards and said, "Go Fish."

Ten minutes later, we had gone passed the point of laughing and into clapping seal with no noise territory. It took us a while to calm down, but when we did, we picked up our cards and started playing. Two hours in, we had started making bets on whether or not we would get the card we wanted. The entire time, Jaxon and I had the most serious expressions on our faces, like we were playing poker with very high stakes. It made the game very entertaining for Taylor and Drake, especially since we used gummy bears and Oreos from the ice cream shop we were sitting outside of for bets.

Six hours later, we had to stop playing because the wind had taken a couple of the cards and Drake had eaten all of our gummy bears and Oreos. We laughed about Drake eating our game as we walked over to a nearby pizza parlor and ordered three extra-large pepperoni pizzas, some sodas, and two huge bags of cookies. Then we took our haul and sat at the picnic blanket under the tree that Victoria and Aaron had previously occupied.

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