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Twisting the key to unlock the front door, I stepped into the gloomy household. It was dark when I had got home and it had also rained.

Thinking of tomorrow just made me shiver. I didn't want to be alone with some weird new teacher. It wasn't like everyone in the whole school was gone, but I still was going to be alone.

Breathing heavily, I headed towards the stairs after I had chucked my boots to the side.

As I ran up the stairs and darted towards the bathroom, I stopped for a second when something on my bedroom door caught my eye. Curiosity struck me and I slowly walked closer to the pinned piece of paper.

Found you

Panic arose in me and I searched around for anything suspicious. The window was open just a little and shoe marks were painted across the  sill.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!" I screamed allowed, marching down the stairs.

With a sprint, I exited outside my house, looking for any traces of the person that pinned the note to my door. If they couldn't show themselves, I would do it for them.

"Allow me, will ya?" I cried out, glancing around me in despair.

Kneeling on the soggy, cold, concrete, I whispered a few hush calming words, "Leia, you're being silly. Calm down, calm down."

Letting a few pained tears slip from my sleepy eyes, I coughed to get rid of the horrible lump in my throat. I needed to be strong and fearless but every time I felt unsafe, the cowardly little girl inside of me would pop out. I couldn't be brave even if I tried. I was useless and helpless and worthless.

Forcing a great big fake smile upon my face, I strolled into school. I had English first thing. I hadn't seen Mason today, which I wasn't sure if I was pleased or bummed about.

"Hey, Leia! I heard your class was going on a trip. Are you going?" Ashley bounded up to me, with a sheepish smile painted on her face.

"Uh, no," I coughed out. "My father couldn't sign it."

Ashley frowned and furrowed her brows, "Awww, don't worry. There's always another trip. I bet it would be boring anyway."

I didn't bet it to be boring. I actually wanted to go. The woods were my favourite place to go on a school trip because it was quiet there. I liked quiet. It let me think.

"Well, I'll see you soon then?" She questioned, pointing with her thumb to the canteen.

"Yeah, see you there," I whispered out as she rushed to her next class, which was most probably science from the way she sprinted down the corridor.
Ashley was like a lion chasing after their prey when she ran.

Making my way to English, I huffed out a breath. I always sighed when I was feeling lonely, sad, hurt and bored. It was a habit. However today I was sure why I huffed. I must've been tired.

Stepping into the classroom, my smile fell. My heart dropped to my stomach. I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. It couldn't be. It just couldn't. They had indeed found me.


I am so sorry. I just needed to get my life sorted out, meaning I needed to do my homework and revise for awful tests. School is so draining. Anyway, I hoped you liked this chapter. Don't forget to VOTE and feel free to comment. Until next time, I will see you soon my lovelies <3
Gem Gems

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