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"Ugh girls are so complicated," I huffed out, collapsing onto the sofa.

"Yeah. Especially Angela," my best mate, Kane, agreed.

"How do you get girls to like you? I mean ones like Leia. They aren't as desperate as other girls," I whined, stretching out my limbs.

"Don't look at me, I'm bent so..." Kane drawled out.

"Wouldn't ask you even if you weren't mate," I admitted honestly, standing up, patting his back and trudging over to the kitchen.


Chuckling, I pulled the fridge open.

"Wanna pepsi?" I asked out loud, directing my question to Kane who was texting on his phone with dreamy eyes.

"Yeah!" Kane replied, still staring at his phone with a gleeful smile.

Grabbing two cans of pepsi, I walked back to Kane and held one out for him.

"Cheers," Kane nodded, taking the fizzy drink.

Whilst Kane was busy trying to get his can open, I snatched his phone from off of his lap.

"Bro, give it back!" Kane blushed a deep red, trying to get the phone off of me.

"Why lover boy? Whatcha hiding?" I teased, glancing at his phone with a playful smile.

Staring at his messages, my smile instantly dropped. My poor virgin eyes! Traumatised and repulsed, I threw the phone at Kane. I never wanted to see those words again.

"Kane! You should have warned me," i cried out. "Jesus Christ. I need holy water."

"That's why you don't look through another's messages, you wanker," Kane told me with his blood red face.

Sitting down next to Kane, I asked him, "Who is he?"

"Oh not anyone you know. He's in Year 11," Kane informed me, his eyes drifting into a daze. "God, he's so beautiful and an amazing kisser."

I beamed at Kane. Whoever he was describing to me, must had been really special to him. The way his eyes would glaze over told me that Kane was in love.

I wanted to feel that too, but the girl I had a crush on most likely hated me. She may had slightly forgiven me however I was still a prick.

"He's into computer science and adores his mum. I like a man who loves his family," Kane spoke, swaying a little with his eyes midclosed.

I wished for something like that some day. I wanted to be able to speak about someone with love and not hatred.


"Oh son, you are so kind," she smiled gratefully, tapping me on the wrist as I poured her some fresh water.

I was in a hidden shelter underground where I hid one of my father's capturers. He was going to kill her so I decided to let her go and take her some place safe. I couldn't bring her back home because my father would have found out and not only killed her but me too. She was safe down here until my father was caught.

"My mum always told me to be kind to others and to never let the bad things in life bring you down," I spoke quietly, averting my eyes to the ground.

"Your mum is a very wise woman, Mason," she murmured, sitting against the wall on a thin rug.

"She was yes," I whispered faintly after a few seconds, swallowing the lump that was slowly building up in my throat.

She looked up at me and through her brown eyes shone sadness and empathy. It wasn't annoying though. She truly did look sorry for me.

"Son, I may have lost my whole family and all my friends. I mean my time is practically up anyway," she whimpered as her face crumpled up and her bottom lip trembled. "But I know that you have someone special in your life still."


Raising her hand to cut me off, she uttered out, "Honey, I know it can be hard to lose someone you love, but please stay strong. Stay strong for whoever that person is."

"What if I lose her?" I mumbled worriedly.

"So it's a girl!" She beamed. "Come on kid, tell me who's the lucky girl."

"That's the thing though miss," I breathed heavily, trying to get out my words without sounding absurd. "I'm the extremely lucky one. She's great!"

"Is she clever? Beautiful?" She questioned excitedly.

"Yes, yes," I nodded, thinking of my caramel craze.

"Just like my daughter, Leia, hopefully," she frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. "I only got to see her for three years before I got taken. However, they were the best three years of my life. I hope my daughter's well."

A tear slipped out of her right eye and dripped down her face.

I stared at her fully. Her eyes were all red and her brown hair was knotty. I watched in silence as she reached over and placed her frozen, pale hand over my calloused one.

"I wish you were my son. Not his," she grumbled, gritting her teeth in irritation. "You deserve better. So much better."

"You do too-" I stopped myself from saying anything more when a name rang in my head. "Wait a second, did you just say Leia?"

Glancing up at me with brown puzzled eyes, she nodded.

"Leia! Leia Owens and Catherine Owens!" I whispered. "It all makes sense."

"W-What does, Mason?" Catherine asked, darting her curious eyes to mine.

"You're Leia's mother who has a mother who owns a basement," I told her. "Leia thinks you're dead. All this time, Leia thought you were dead."

"You know my baby girl?" Catherine cried out, her eyes brimming with hot tears.

"I more than know her, Catherine!" I proclaimed happily.

Catherine's eyes widened at my statement before she tucked her hair around her ear.

"No, not like that," I hastily said. "I mean we've kissed."

She raised her eyebrow at that.

"Not like that is helping my point at all," I added inaudibly.

"Kid, do you know her or not? Are you close?" She asked incessantly.

"We're close. She's actually that girl I was talking about," I admitted.

"My daughter's your love interest?" She chuckled, tapping her foot on the ground.

"Yeah you could say that," I grinned. "I have to get her here. She needs to see her mother again!"

Catherine placed her cold palm on my cheek and cupped my jaw. She cheerfully smiled and a few more tears fell from her eyes. Catherine was happy and Leia would soon be too.


I hope you liked. I kind of thinking this is going too fast. Please let me know if you think it is so I can slow it down a little. Please VOTE and also don't feel afraid to COMMENT. I will see you soon my lovelies <3

Gem Gems

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