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"Hey Leia, what do you think has more calories?" a confused voice asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts that included a guy named Mason.

"Um..." I drawled out, staring at Ashley with a blank look.

Ashley slumped her shoulders and let out a long sigh, "Look Leia, if you don't want to hang out with me and Sara you can just say. I feel like we're suffocating you."

My pink tinted lips parted as a surprised look pushed the blank one aside, "Gosh no Ashley, no that's not what I want. I need some friends."

"Then what is it?" Ashley questioned, dropping the yogurt and milkshake onto the table.

I didn't really know myself.

All day Mason was on my mind and it was driving me crazy. The moment we shared together was so special and wonderful. He made me feel things and I didn't know what exactly.

Talking to Ashley and Sara about it could help me feel a little better and maybe even help me work out these strange feelings, but would they judge me? Would they judge me for thinking about the most gossiped boy in school?

"Leia!" Ashley yelled, yet again pulling me out of my indecisive thoughts.

"What!" I snapped before immediately planting a hand over my mouth.

Feeling guilty, I apologised and left the table with Ashley's and Sara's pairs of eyes following my stomping figure out the canteen.

Gosh, I needed to get a grip. Mason was taking over my brain. I even had the audacity to snap at Ashley when she did absolutely nothing wrong. I wasn't angry at Mason, or Ashley though. I was angry at myself. This mostly was due to pouring my heart out onto a guy who I literally met two or three weeks ago.

Even though I didn't tell him about my dad getting murdered or about me being beaten to a pulp. Those were my secrets that I hoped to keep to myself for a very long time.

As I hurried passed two chatty people, I accidentally barged into one of their shoulders.

"Excuse me!" A squeaky voice squealed, hurting my ears in the process. "Babe, she just banged into my shoulder with no apology!"

Spinning around grumpily, I began to open my mouth to apologise when I saw her.

Angela Herrington, also known as, sweetest girl of the year. Yeah sweet my arse. If I could, I would shout out "Fixed." every time she got awarded for it. But, unfortunately, my confidence was low. And I did not have a death wish.

With Kane being the doting boyfriend that he was, turned around to me and threatened, "You push my girlfriend one more damn time then you'll be seeing yourself in hospital!"

That surprisingly worried me. Kane's family was pretty powerful and he could get away with anything, and especially if Angela was on his side. Gosh, you did not know how powerful Angela's family was. Also, I had lost hope in humanity once my father was ripped away from me. I couldn't trust any one anymore.

Killing a father was the lowest of the lows. They didn't even blink. They just tore him away from me. They ripped my heart out from my chest and stomped on it like monsters.

I snorted aloud and bitterly said, "You think I give a damn about what your pathetic-self can do."

Taking a massive step towards me, Kane spat, "You wanna bet, nerd,"

Unfortunately, I was standing right infront of the lockers.

Flinching away at the close proximity between us, I started tilting my head sideways to not make eye contact with him or 'Miss Delightful'.

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