Chapter 20 - Ranha

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Enjoy the new chapter!!


[Nezi's POV]

As soon as Ree was able to check out, I grabbed her and rushed with her outside. I had a time limit that Hidan gave me and I did NOT want to exceed it. I shushed Ree whose mouth was blabbing a mile away.

I came into a clearing with the silver-head facing his back towards me. Ree seemed to recognize and fangirled. Wow, I don't even remember their faces anymore. It's been like what, 14-15 years already because of the time in the womb?

Well, whatevs. 

But Ree fangirled, making Hidan turn around and his ego inflate even more. He flexed his muscles, showing them off to us as we approached him. Ree fangirled harder until I hit her upside her head because she was the closest

"Ree, we have to get going now." I said. She pouted and nodded. The three of us headed to a direction aimlessly, yet away from Konoha's direction because we still needed to search for the Reincarnated people. 

I better actually come up with a better name for it. Because it's good for it to be a noun and be inconspicuous at the same time. Possibly, Not-Nirvana or a butterfly. Because Nirvana is the state of finishing your cycle of reincarnation or something. Waoh, it's been a long time since I've read my previous life's history and such, instead of this world. 

Butterfly might be good. Because they symbolize rebirth or renewal. But at the same time, it's like you're trying to change yourself so no...

"Ree, what if we call ourselves the Lotus. That flower lily that's like white-ish pink?" I said, trying to describe it and stopping on my tracks at the same time. Ree also stopped and thought about it dramatically. 

"Wat da hek is that?" She asked. I facepalmed and so, I did the most genius thing. I used genjutsu!!! Applaud me!

She 'oohed' and then paused....

"....What does it mean?" She asked

"Well, it's like that Buddha story and the reincarnation thing. So that's technically us. Hidan probably might be a butterfly...." I said trailing off. She laughed hard at Hidan being a butterfly. 

"WHY THE (BEEP) AM I A (BEEEEEEP) BUTTERFLY?!?! AND WHY THE (BEEP) DID YOU (BEEP) LEAVE ME THE (BEEP) ALONE!?!?" Oh, Hidan finally noticed that we're not by his side. Ree and I snickered at his stupidness. 

I repeated what I thought about, with the concept of butterfly. His face scrunched into disgust. 

"No" He frankly said and shot the middle finger at me. So I ignored him and fully faced Ree to hear her opinion. 

"Change the name. It seems too lame for awesome people like us! Like oooooH! Titans! SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JÄGER!!!" She screamed out to the world. I face palmed. I should've shut her up before she started shouting. 

"Then, different language" Ree nodded. I nodded as well. I took out my phone and opened up google translate. 

"Hasu (Japanese), Liánhuā (Chinese), Teratai (Indonesian). That's all there's to it. All the others are variation of Lotus like Loto, Looto, or even Lotas" I said after searching up several possibilities.

"Liánhuā seems good" Ree nodded, speaking it easily. 

"Ri....Rianhua?" Ree and I stared at Hidan. I forgot.....Japanese -They're technically Japanese- couldn't say 'L', 'W', 'V' and 'Z' very well. My name is more like ねぢ than ねじ because that's Neji's one. So technically on the keyboard, I'm Nedi. Heh, Needy. 

"Ranha seems good" Ree nodded. I sighed. Figures that she would be the type to disregard everything. 

Okay. Onwards to Mars. 


Yay, finally finished. Eh, I'm tired. After this, I'm going to sleep. Night 

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