Chapter 8- The inevitable deaths of the idiots as revenge part 2

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Nezi POV

Orochimaru was actually friendly if you were the one who was threatening him. We were in my room right now, planning the plan to kill those idiots. Man! What if they're the ones who got a caged bird?

I at least tried to change the caged bird. Instead of protecting the byakugan and obeying the main and elders, I want to change it to at least protecting the byakugan only so they wouldn't get our secert. I told him all the information needed and he told me why he wanted to get power. World Domination. As always.

I rolled my eyes when he said that. I put a seal on him, similar to the caged bird, if he doesn't obey me, I will activate the curse so he would fall back. The loyalty seal. 

We started planning out when a Hyūga branch member came and told me that the elders have called upon me. How cliche. All they can do is just laze about and tell the others their orders. Typical Hyūga elders

I walked to the elder's meeting room with orochimaru hidden in my pocket. I took him out from the bottle but still left him in a tiny state. I kept the wand with me also.

I knocked on the door and I didn't even bother to kneel down on my respects. I've lost respect for everyone of them ever since I was reborned. Prodigy this, Prodigy that and shiz. 

"Be on your knees and bow down you ungrateful maggot!!" One elder named Hiroshi at the left of me, growled.

"Wow if I am a maggot, it means that you are flies" I said

"SHUT UP!!" The guy to the one beside the middle guy, my grandpa, Hikazu.... I will refuse to call him my family and the others also. I will call them retarded person or for short RP 1, RP 2 and yeah, you get it. Hiroshi is RP 1, the guy who just said shut up to me is RP 2 and the diouchebag is RP 3.

"No, you shut up. You were the ones calling me and now you ask me to shut up and come here for nothing? WOw you guys are monkeys. Monkeys are even worst than retarded person" I said and I felt pain on my forehead. I knelt down and I saw RP 3 laughed, enjoying and savouring seeing me in pain.

"SHUT UP RP 3!!" I shouted and put my hand to my pocket. I felt my wand move.... must be Orochimaru helping me. My pockets are deep after all. 

"CRUCIO!" I shouted. Pointing the wand to RP 3

He writhe in pain and it is now my turn to enjoy and savour seeing him in pain. The pain on my forehead subsided. I've learnt to control my anger now..... Meh.

"MUAHAHAHAHA!!YOU GAYS ARE ALL POTATOES!!!" I laughed whole heartedly.

"Wait!" Another guy near RP 3. 

"What?" I glared at him. He flinched.

"We have come to call upon you because we have learn of your power. We want you to become hte next head of the clan instead of Hinata." He said and I intensed my glare


"Yes, but even so we would like you to beat the failure. Then you can beat Hanabi" That's it I am going to call him RP4.

"NO WAY MONKEY!" I shouted and I went for the door to find it lock. 

"You can't get out. We put a seal on it." RP 5 said arrogantly

"WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT!!" I shouted and fused my chakra onto my hands, punching the door, the door burst open and into bits and pieces. I stormed out angrily. I want to DO MY REVENGE NOW!!!

Orochimaru must have read my thoughts.... in my pocket

"Now, now. We must have a plan to do and the timing. It would be better since they don't know their unfortunate deaths" He said and I grinned maniacly, looking towards my pocket

Died then turned into Neji's Twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now