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"Mila. Check your damn timetable," Dinah tells her as they pull up to a building that she assumes is her school. "Then we can figure out which classes we share."

"I don't- how do I do that?" Camila pulls out her phone and tries to unlock it, not sure what her passcode is. She tries her current phone password, but it's denied.

Dinah rolls her eyes. "Your passcode is your birthday, dumbass. 0303. And your password to the school's website is Sofia03."

"How do you know that?" Camila isn't sure if she should be concerned that this Dinah knows all of her passwords. Her Dinah certainly didn't.

"Walz, you told me it. You let me use your account to print a bunch of stuff out because I ran out of printer credit." Dinah stares at her like she's crazy. "I'm going to ask you again-"

"I'm fine, Dinah," Camila unlocks her phone and finds the school's website in the safari bookmarks. Then, she types in the password that Dinah had given her, thankful that the username is remembered on the website, and finds her class schedule, holding it out. "There."

Dinah reads it over with a smile. "We're in almost everything together, except math, literature and history. Other than that, we're good."

Camila looks down at the schedule with a frown. Apparently, this day isn't bad enough, because she has literature first, something she doesn't share with Dinah, and she's never stepped foot in this building in her entire life. How the hell is she supposed to find the classroom?

She makes an excuse to leave Dinah in search of the classroom, trying to decipher the room code on her schedule as she goes. Why is this so complicated? Why is this even happening to her? She hasn't done anything to deserve this weird, fucked up dream, and all she wants to do is wake up.

After searching around for what feels like forever, a bell rings, and the crowds in the hallways start thinning out. So, she makes a split second decision and walks over to a dark haired girl who doesn't seem to be in any rush to get to class. "Hey, excuse me, can you-"

Camila's breath catches in her throat when the girl turns around and bright green eyes pierce through her very soul. Lauren. She doesn't know if she wants to laugh or cry. Probably a mixture of both.

Lauren's looking at her like she's crazy, and Camila feels like she is, because the girl who used to be her best friend is staring at her with absolutely no recognition in her eyes. It's like she's looking at a total stranger.

"Um..." Lauren breaks the silence and looks around, as if she's expecting Camila to be addressing someone else, "did you- did you want something?"

Her raspy voice makes Camila's heart ache, and she swallows the lump in her throat, nodding. "Uh, yeah. I- I don't know where this classroom is, and... and I was wondering if you could help me."

Camila holds out her phone, open on the schedule, and Lauren looks her over with a frown. "I- um, I thought you were a junior?"

"Look, I know it's weird, but just... please help me?" Camila practically begs. The Lauren she knows would've smiled and been happy to help, but this isn't her Lauren. This is someone else's Lauren, and she hates it. "I'm really lost and I'm having a bad day..."

"Okay," Lauren shoots her a look like she's the weirdest person on earth. "I, uh, have a free now, anyway."

With that, Lauren closes her locker, and Camila jumps in surprise, before following her down the hall. Lauren leads her out of the building and into a separate one, and up a flight of stairs. The older girl makes no attempt at conversation, and Camila feels more and more awkward by the second. Her Lauren – at least, before she turned on her, too – would've been making dorky jokes and trying her hardest to make Camila feel welcome.

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