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December 31st, 2016

"Hey. You're early."

"Oh," Camila's face falls a little, but Lauren ushers her inside anyway. "Sorry. I was just bored at home and my mom offered to drop me off now instead of me having to walk here later."

"It's not a problem, Camz," Lauren laughs, squeezing her hand. "I'm not complaining; I get more time with you."

Camila feels herself blushing, so she ducks her head to avoid Lauren's gaze and busies herself with taking her shoes off and shrugging her backpack off her back. "I've brought my pyjamas and stuff, and I pretty much begged my mom to buy us a bottle of prosecco to share. I didn't mention that you were buying alcohol too."

"Nice," Lauren grins as Camila pulls the bottle out of her backpack. "I'll put this in the fridge with the others."

Camila laughs. "Just out of curiosity, how many other bottles are there?"

"Only three. Two bottles of prosecco and one bottle of champagne that my mom bought for us." Lauren replies. "I bought the prosecco though. I would've gotten more, but Mani and I got drunk a few nights ago, and I think this girl at the store we buy from thinks I'm some kind of alcoholic since I've been there so often the past week."

Camila laughs. "Well, we should have enough with four bottles. I'm kind of a lightweight."

Lauren smiles. "I know. If you want, I can go easy and look after you."

"You don't have to do that," Camila dismisses, though she thinks it's adorable that Lauren has offered that. "We'll have fun being drunk together. It's not like we're going out or anything, so we'll be safe."

"That's true," Lauren agrees, "we've got to play the Mario Kart drinking game, though."

Camila raises her eyebrows. "There's a drinking game?"

"Yeah. It's something like... you've got to finish your drink before you finish the race and you can't drive while you're drinking." Lauren explains. "I'll probably turn the computer karts off for the first few races while we get used to it, but then we can put them back on."

"Sounds good," Camila replies, "I'm excited to see the New Year in with you, Lo."

"Me too, Camz," Lauren smiles, throwing her arm around Camila's shoulders. "Not to be too cheesy, but you're the best thing that happened to me this year."

Camila's heart soars, and for the moment, she pushes away the dull ache that comes knowing Fifth Harmony Lauren would never say that. "Yeah. You are too."

Lauren sends her a lopsided grin. "You're too sweet. Anyway, let's go upstairs. We're playing on the Wii because it's iconic for a games night. I'll grab some alcohol and we'll get tipsy. Are we ordering food in later? Because I'm in the mood for a pizza."

"Sure, we can do that," Camila replies, turning towards the stairs and shouldering her backpack. "Meet you in your room?"

"No, since I don't have the Wii in my room," Lauren replies, "remember the room we were in when I had that party? The night we met? That's where all the games consoles are. It used to be a spare room, but we don't exactly get guests, so my parents let me and my siblings have it as like, a chill out room. My old Wii and my brother's Playstation are in there. He keeps his Xbox in his room, though."

"Oh, well, I'll meet you in there, then," Camila replies, heading up the stairs to put her bag in Lauren's room. She leaves her bag by the foot of Lauren's bed, and after looking around the room and remembering how awkward she'd felt when Lauren had found her there, but also incredibly happy.

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