The CEO's Trio ~ Twenty-Five

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Filler chapter tbh.

There'll be some Somali words in this. But they're quite easy to find out what they mean.

Not Edited 😦




"Ali," I called out passing him my handbag as I climbed off the train, holding his shoulder for support.

"It's Zak!" He cried grabbing on to my suitcase and dumping my handbag on top giving himself less things to carry.

I had met Zak Ali on the train less than two hours ago, when he had came and set next to me, trying to get my attention and my number he had for embarassed and flustered then completely messed up on his name, calling himself "Ali Zak ."

I giggled at the memory.

"Yeah, yeah Ali," I beamed climbing up the stairs and leaving him to follow my lead, dragging the luggage that had been delivered to my hotel room that morning.

"Where are you headed again?" He asked as they stepped outside into the cold late October air. I rubbed my bare hands together and breathed out.

"Chelmsford." I replied briefly "Didn't want to go alone," I shrugged looking back as Zak who was biting his pink lips and staring out into the sky.

"Shouldn't have got of at Grays then," he replied sounding almost bitter before looking back at me and smiling softly at me "But you must couldn't stand to be away from me."

"Don't get too cocky, you've only known me for about an hour," I grinned walking towards the bus stop with Zak following me, still dragging my suitcase and bag.

In my pocket was the iPhone 6 that Sebastian had wrapped up carefully for me, leaving a message apologizing for everything he had done to cause me pain.

I had also stuffed my oyster card and my purse in my pocket, just incase Zakir tried anything funny.

"Believe me an hour is all I need," he teased, beaming at me as he stuck out his hand, signalling for the bus to stop at the empty abandoned bus stop that we were waiting at.

I pulled out my purse, searching for a twenty pound note.

That's what I hate about Essex, you have to buy a ticket to get on the bus.

"Two tickets to Chelmsford," I heard Zak ask the bus driver as I watching him in confusion.

Was he seriously going to pay for me?

"That'll be £25.56." The bus driver spoke guffily as Zak slipped a twenty pound note and a a ten pound note under.

He took his change and led me towards the prioty seats before he gestured for me to sit down first.

"It's going to be a long journey," he sighed slumping down next to me "So we might as well get to know each other properly."

"I'm Zakir Ali," he began, knowing that I wasn't going to make the first move "I'm 24, 25 on December 27th er.. I have 9 siblings, four older, five younger and I'm a mechanic that believe it or not loves to cook and I'm just about as single as you can get. That's about it."

"Do I have to?" I groaned to which he nodded his head energetically "I'm Rylee Jordan and I'm 23, I... er my birthday is April 25th... and I'm sort-of an only child... I have three step-brothers and sister though.. I am.. I mean I was a nanny and I like Oreos dipped in Peanut Butter," I spoke stuttering a little, while confessing my guilty pleasure. Everyone thought it was so weird but in reality Oreos dipped in peanut butter was delicious.

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