The CEO's Trio ~ Fourty-Three

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Sebastian paused, listening to what Jacob had just said, I could see how he had tensed.

"Oliver!" He exclaimed, "Can't breathe, face turning red! Oliver is allergic to peaches, that's what happens when he eats them!"

"But that means..." We both turned to look at each other before darting out the front door and running down the stairs and jumping into the car, leaving poor Carla.

"He's with Quinn, and only Josh knows he's allergic to them, he might have told Quinn. God dammit!" Sebastian swore hitting his hand on the steering wheel.

"Don't worry Sebastian, he will be alright, everything will be alright." I tried to convince him, but I was really trying to convince myself.

Sebastian continued speeding to Josh's house, until we arrived there in under five minutes. He jumped out of the car and ran to the front door, that was already open.

I could see Olivia on the field playing outside, hence the open door. I followed Sebastian into the house, my heart racing.

Why would Jacob do that to his own nephew? What possesed him?

"Oh hey guys." Quinn greeted holding an empty bowl, "I read your text and tried it out. Oliver loved it."

"Tried what out?" I asked, frantically taking a step closer to her.

"The peach cobbler, of course you silly billy." She laughed, putting the bowl on the counter, "Would you like some?"

"EpiPen, Quinn. Give me your EpiPen now!" Sebastian demanded, opening all the cupboards in search of the EpiPen.

"Why? Sebastian, Rylee, what's going on?" She questioned.

"Oliver is allergic to peaches! He can't eat them!" I exclaimed and her eyes widened, "That text wasn't from me!"

Then we heard a small squeal from Oliver, he was almost choking. His face had turned a bright red, and was beginning to swell.

"He can't breath." Sebastian panicked, "Quinn, where is your EpiPen?"

Oliver mouth was open, like he wanted to scream, he was shaking and crying. He was clutching onto the table. But he wasn't breathing.

"Umm.. it's.." She opened her bag and began throwing things out, "Its normally in here! Its not here!"

Olivia and Josh's two daughters rushed into the house after hearing all the commotion.

"He's taken it. Fvck!" Sebastian swore, we heard loud footsteps running down the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" Joshua demanded and as soon as he lay eyes on Oliver, his body tensed, "Sh!t." He swore.

Then Maya, the youngest one's eyes widened, "My Epi is in my schoolbag!" She rushed out the door and returned a few seconds later holding the miracle worker.

She threw it at Sebastian, who didn't waste a single second and stuck it inside Oliver.

Oliver screamed so loudly, that I bet the whole neighbourhood could hear him. Tears were streaming down his face and he was choking and coughing, but he was safe.

"Oh baby." I held him close, there was tears in my eyes. I was so scared, seeing him in so much pain, "You're alright now. You're okay now." I took him out of the high chair and held him in my arms, kissing every part of his face.

Sebastian soon approached us and wrapped his arms around both of us, squishing Oliver in the middle of us.

"Dada." Oliver mumbled, snuggling into Sebastians chest, "Mummy!" He pointed at me and wrapped his arm around my neck, cuddling me.

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