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Harry was pacing back and forth in his bedroom after he had received that letter from Nick, still unable to believe what the mother of his child had done. Part of him understood why but the other was still unable to believe it, unable to believe how someone as delicate as Louis could be capable of doing something like that. He stopped when he heard a knock on his door then Zayn walked in wearing a solemn expression.

"Nick is here." He announced, then motioned for Nick to come in, greeting Harry.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay in Doncaster with Louis and to never leave his side." Harry almost shouted.

"He's here, Harry." Nick said, careful to call him by his name already knowing he hated it whenever they would call him by his rightful title. "He left everything behind and decided to come here with me and two of his servants...said he wanted to start a new life."

"Where did you leave them?" Harry quickly asked.

"One of the best rest houses in the city. I told him I had some things to take care of."

"Niall!" Harry shouted, and soon Niall walked into the room still upset with Harry.

"Your Royal Highness." Niall greeted him, then waited for Harry's orders.

"Its Harry." He insisted, then got straight to the point, "Have a few of the maids clean the house on the outskirts of London and make sure it's up to standard. We have guests."

"May I ask who will be visiting?" Niall asked, loosening up a bit.

"The mother of my child, and other future ones." Harry smirked. His mind already set.

"Excuse me?" Niall blinked.

"My future consort." Harry continued as if it wasn't big deal, "He would be the future Duchess of Cambridge, but seeming as he has a few extra parts and is missing others then he's my future consort."

"Harry..." Niall started.

"Do as I say Niall. I'm not going let him spend the night in some rest house, I want him, need him to be safe and that's where he'll be the safest." Harry ordered, yet his eyes seemed pleading as soon as he made eye contact with Niall.

"I'll have the house ready by tonight." Niall said, then left without so much of a goodbye. Harry ignored him turning to look at Nick.

"After you see your family I want you to go back and tell them you found a house for them to live in. I'm assuming he wants to rent a place to live in, correct?"

"Yes, I promised to find them something by tonight." Nick nodded.

"Alright. You can go and thank you, Nick." Harry smiled.

Nick only nodded and gave him a smile before he walked out of his bedroom, going straight to see his family after it. Harry stayed behind not doing anything until he snapped out of it then grabbed his coat, heading out hoping to see him but knowing it was impossible. The streets were crowded and the temperature too cold for someone in a fragile state like Louis was.

At least that's what he thought as he tried to avoid trampling children whenever they would come running out of who knows where. He paused to buy hot beverages for a few children who were outside helping their mothers on their stans, then continued on his way after they had thanked him and had run back to their mothers to tell them their prince was very generous.

He was still smiling until he spotted him standing with the servants he had seen that night, but now Nick was standing next to the one named Liam while Louis was busy with a younger girl telling her what goods to pick. His eyes immediately wandered down to his belly, seeing the small bump covered by his thick coat making him feel a bit dizzy knowing it was his child who was in there all warm and comfortable.

And My Heart Is A Hollow Plain (Larry Stylinson Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now