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He didn't see Harry again for a full week until the day he decided to accompany Lucy on her daily trip to the market to get fresh vegetables and sometimes fruit if there wasn't any left in the house. His appetite had been growing and after being told that he needed to eat enough for himself and the baby by a few older women he had met in the market, he had been doing just that.

He was busy trying to pick the best apples when he saw him a few feet away surrounded by children and in his arms, a tiny baby girl while the mother watched with a smile on her face. For a second he wondered if it was his daughter, but the thought disappeared as soon as Harry gave the baby back to her mother and she walked away towards a man who wrapped an arm around her waist.

He continued watching him and smiled when he saw him buying beverages for every single one of the children surrounding him, never batting an eyelash at the price until his smile faded away as soon as they made eye contact with each other. He tried to hurry up, seeing Lucy standing on the other side too focused on what she was doing to pay him any attention. He was half expecting Harry to approach him, but when he looked up Harry was already gone.

Two weeks later he sat in his bedroom on a rocking chair Liam had gotten him as he rubbed small circles on the top of his belly. The room was almost dark with just a candle near by illuminating the space near Louis where he had been busy making sure he had enough money for future expenses. Liam had already gotten a job and after an argument, he hadn't allowed Louis to get one telling him that he shouldn't work when he was already too pregnant and Nick had stopped working for them.

He let out a loud sigh trying not to freak out, knowing that sooner or later all the money he had managed to steal from Howard before leaving was going to run out and he and his child would have nothing. He tried to get up and go to bed when he heard someone at his window, making him stay still, part of him expecting for whoever was out there to be Harry. He waited for a few more minutes and when nothing else happened he sighed and tried to get up, getting startled when the window was finally opened and Harry walked in as if he owned the place.

"You're back." Louis blurted out without thinking first, but last time he had been in his bedroom was three weeks ago.

"I am." Harry answered before he smirked, "Did you miss me?"

"Why are you here?" Louis avoided his question, wanting to stop him when he started going through the papers he had been working on earlier that night, "Leave those alone and get out of here."

"You're running out of money." Harry stated, looking at Louis straight in the eye before his gaze trailed down to his belly.

"That is none of your business." Louis fired back.

"It is when you're carrying my child. What are you going to do when you finally run out of money? How are you going to support our're going to end up in the streets." Harry finally dropped the papers and took a step closer to Louis.

"I don't see you helping me out. You keep calling it our child, can't claim him or her when you don't help out at all." Louis snapped, expecting him to walk away but Harry stayed on his spot not saying anything.

Harry stayed quiet longer than necessary, seeming to be thinking about it and just when Louis thought he wasn't going to speak anytime soon, he finally spoke up surprising Louis.

"Marry me." Harry said, finally making eye contact with Louis in the warm and dim room.

"What?" Louis stumbled a few steps back, hating how quick Harry was to catch him and steady him again.

"Marry me. If you do you'll never have to worry about money ever again, you and our baby will be safe and you won't have to worry about whether they won't have warm clothes or go to bed hungry. All you have to do is say yes." Harry pleaded already getting desperate seeing how big and how closer to his due date Louis was getting. He didn't have much time left.

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