Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Andy hadn't brought up the "love you" thing ever since it happened last night. I wasn't sure if I should be worried or happy. Did she just not want to talk about it or did it just fly over her head? Did it go in one ear and out the other? Did it make her feel awkward? I didn't know whether it was worse that she didn't care or if she didn't feel the same way. My thoughts were going crazy about the subject.

"Um, I think he just sh-t himself," Andy said with a frown as she held up Jason away from her.

Today, I had the duty of babysitting Tyra's little cousin once again. I loved spending time with Jason, especially with Andy. She didn't know a damn thing about kids, which was kind of crazy since she had a little sister. "Why are you telling me," I asked her as I continued watching the TV.

"He needs to be changed."

Andy who was sitting beside me tried to past me Jason, but I acted like I didn't see her in my peripheral. "Well, change it, fool."

"I don't know how to, fool!"

I giggled at her mocking me as I shrugged my shoulders. "There's this thing called Google."

"Are you seriously going to make me change him," Andy asked like a whiny teenager. She looked at Jason with a mean mug and Jason giggled as he reached for her nose. "Stop picking my nose, you little sh-t!" Jason laughed more and put his hands in his mouth before putting them back on Andy's face. "You're disgusting, bro."

"Change his diaper, bebé. I believe in you," I tried to encourage her.

"But I don't want to!"

"Well, what are you going to do when you have kids? Are they just going to run around with sh-tty diapers?!"

"My wife can deal with that." I rolled my eyes at her. If we got married, she was going to be changing diapers too.

"Well, I feel bad for your future wife."

"Why would you feel bad for yourself," Andy asked with a nonchalant smirk. Ugh, I wanted to slap that damn smirk off her face sometimes!

"I'm your future wife? Yeah, right. You wish. I already told you I'm marrying Drake. I'm just waiting for him to pop the question," I teased. "Don't worry, you'll be in the wedding. You can be the flower girl."

"You can be the flower girl," Andy mocked me in an annoyed tone. I chortled and punched her shoulder. "Hey! I'm holding a baby here!"

"Go change his damn diaper!"

"What do I get out of this?"

"Why do you always want something from me? So needy." I scoffed and flipped my hair as I looked back at the television. "Another reason, I'm not marrying you. Drake would never treat me like this." I dramatically wiped my eyes with my hands as if I was tearing up.

Andy laughed out loud. "You're such a f-cking b-tch sometimes!"

"Wow. Here we go with the degrading words. You're emotionally abusing me. I need me a good man like Drake. He'd shower me with affection. You're no good for me," I continued with my act. "Drake would also change a damn diaper after the fifth time I asked him."

"First off, darlin, I am my own person. You can't just tell me to do something. You're not the boss of me. You know who would never treat me like this? Rihanna."

Now, it was my time to laugh at her. She had to be joking. "Rihanna would never stoop so low to get with you. You're too ugly, babe."

"Your obsession with looks is even uglier. Drake has too much of a beautiful soul to be with someone with such a black heart. You know what, you made me so mad that I'm about to change Jason's diaper." Andy quickly got up and stormed out of the room with Jason in her arms. A couple minutes later, I heard her screaming from the bathroom. "What the hell did you eat, you little sh-t?!"

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