Chapter Forty-Seven

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Though I was still mad at Andy, I couldn't deny the fact that I missed the hell out of her. We hadn't spent time together in what seemed like forever, but it had only been a week. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but I found myself being the bigger person. Maybe Andy was just sh-tty at apologies for sh-t that she couldn't remember. I'm not sure what the deal was, but prolonging things and being immature about the situation wasn't going to make things any better. Therefore, I found myself walking in the main clubhouse.

I knew Andy would be there because I texted Lin and asked her Andy's location. Of course, she told. It paid to be friends with your girlfriend's friends, especially when your girlfriend was being a f-cking brat. When I walked into the clubhouse, it was nothing out of the ordinary. It was just as trashy, filthy and filled with smoke from cigarettes, cigars and blunts. I shivered as I made my way to Andy's office. The door was closed shut so I decided to knock. I heard some laughter from the other side and I took a deep breath. It sounded like everyone was in there. My stomach turned and I started second guessing the knock.

Right when I was about to turn away and walk out, the door was pulled open by Leo. She seemed shocked to see me and I peeped behind her to catch Andy's reaction. She was leaning back against her desk and her smile slowly faded as Lin, Rafael and some girl sat across from her. Of course, Andy had to f-cking look good when I came to finalize business. This could either go really well or end pretty badly. The random girl sitting across from her, turned to face me and she looked familiar. Those blue eyes threw me off for some reason, but she wasn't who I was here for.

"Hey, Delaney. You look good." Leo looked me up and down and licked her lips. Andy smacked her lips but she didn't do anything but stare at the back of Leo's head. Leo chuckled before pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back before pushing her off before she held on for too long. I swear, this girl will never learn boundaries. "Where's Mia? How's Mia?" She asked that as if I didn't know Mia texted her all the time. They were basically friends or whatever the hell they were but I played stupid.

"She's good. She's out with Tyra and Lisa. I'm supposed to be meeting up with them not too long from now. Do you guys mind if I borrow Andy for a few minutes?" I was actually here against Mia and the girls' will. They thought I shouldn't give in so quickly but for once, I just wanted to be mature. I was hardly ever the bigger person. I acted on impulses and raw feelings, but some things just needed to be sensibly talked out and considered. This was one.

"Oh hell yeah, you can have her. We were just about to end the meeting," Rafael said as he jumped up from his chair. He patted Andy's shoulder before walking over to me and giving me a quick hug. "Don't be too hard on the knucklehead, Delaney. We've been trying to put some sense into that small little brain of hers."

"Yeah, don't go too hard on Andy. I don't want her to cry about it to us like she always does," Lin teased as she got up as well.

"I don't f-cking cry," Andy finally spoke up. Ha! As if I haven't seen her b-tch ass cry before.

Leo snickered and shook her head. "Okay, play macho in front of your girl but you were a sobbing Sally the other day, wimp. You little p-ssy." Andy jumped at Leo as if she was about to hit her and instead of flinching, Leo jumped back.

Lin pulled Leo by the collar and beckoned for the blue-eyed, unknown girl to follow. Slowly, but surely, they all exited the room. When the door shut, Andy scratched the back of her head awkwardly and looked down at her feet. "You're not here to yell at me again, are you? If so, I already have a headache."

I bit the inside of my cheek. It was kind of f-cked up that she was being so passive about my feelings. I wanted to slap some sense into her but I knew I couldn't. I could, but I wouldn't. "I'm just here to see if we can make things work. Right here, right now, we're either going to make this work or we're going to break up. No in-betweens. I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of not seeing you. I really love you but I'm not going to stay in a stagnant, bullsh-t relationship. I've been through that too many times to waste any more time." Andy looked up at me and slowly nodded her head as I spoke. "So, do you want to make this work or do you think we should go separate ways?"

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