chapter 5

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"mmm" I heard something beside me say .

" caydi "  what ? caydi? yuck! i don't like it . That something or someone called my name again  . More like moaned my name in a husky tone .

" hey baby wake up " ugh. Am getting irritated now . I mean who ever it is don't they know that you shouldn't disturb a person when he is sleeping .

" hey " now this thing is literally on top of me . Wait. On top of me ? What is this ?

I opened my eyes instantly .

" oh baby , thank god you woke up . I was thinking of throwing a whole bucket of water on you . " she giggled . Frowning I pushed her away . Who is she and what is she doing in my room .

" who are you and what are you doing here " I asked or more like demanded . In order to seduce me she moved closer to me . How can she be more closer than she already is ? I mean she is literally grinding herself on top of me and I really don't like it .

" what do you want " I asked more irritated .

" oh baby don't tell me you don't remember the passionate night we spent together " she smiled flirtatiously . Ugh. Am sick of this . Why can't she get it that am not in this kind of mood anymore . I did what I wanted at night and I had enough of it . Enough of her .

" listen here girl what happened last night was nice but it was last night and now its gone and I don't do it again with the same girl " I explain while trying to push her back .

She looked at me with anger in her eyes . " so last night meant nothing ? " she asked in an angry tone .

" nah I don't do any commitments . Didn't I tell you that last night " I asked her . Shit . Maybe I just fucked her and forgot telling her the whole thing of me not doing commitments . " no" she looked quite angry now . Well I really don't care . And why the hell is she here now . She should be going now .

" so leave now I have other works to care about " I told her giving her a tight smile . I know I am mean but I just can't help . She should have thought before agreeing for being my fuck buddy last night . All these girls are sluts and if they had any self respect for themselves they would have never openly gave themselves to strangers they meet every night with .

She quickly storms out . Signing I made my way towards the bathroom . I have a lot of work to be done today . That Briar should be bought here and then there's my sister coming over . Ugh. Its not that am not exited but its a lot to do . I would have slept instead of caring to go underground and start to act good in this early morning .

After showering and getting dressed I made my way to go down when my phone rings . Irritated by the ringtone I quickly answer the call without checking the caller ID . " hello " I answer in an hurried tone .

" listen bro I am here -" "what ? Wait didn't I mention for you to come a little bit late in the day instead of coming this early ? I asked cutting her off .

" WILL YOU LET ME SPEAK ?" She says in an angry tone now .

" what ?" I asked . " your gonna make me explain while am standing down on the main entrance of your building ?"

" uh yeah come over " I said . " what type of pills did you had in the morning or maybe your last night's fuck buddy actually fucked your brain instead of- " " okay okay enough give the call to sam " I say remembering that she will not be let inside unless and until I talk to sam . I gave instructions to sam for letting her in and make my way back in the room .

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