Chapter 40

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Briar's POV

This is strange. I'm feeling like I am being watched and I haven't told shit to anyone. Not that I am scared...well not so much. Or maybe I am. I have a child who belongs to me and god knows who's keeping an eye on me now?

I have even decided to shift from Sama's house. It's been some three weeks that I have decided a place which is very much near to office as well but I just can't shift. Sama is happy that I am not shifting too soon. She, in fact, wants me to stay until I give birth but I doubt I want to keep relying on them for that long. My baby bump is visible now. But it just looks more of a fat on me than pregnancy. People even noticed this saying you gained weight it seems.

Whatever it is, I have to get to know who's actually spying on me. The girl from the café three weeks back is missing. When I went to ask about her they said she left the very first day when I caught her.

What fuck?

The only person I can share this is with Aron. But he seems stressed and busy. The only chance we get to talk is at launch and that also is mostly him busy replying to emails with a sandwich in one hand. I, on the other hand, feel more lonely and irritated. Aron and I have become good friends but we aren't talking like friends. It's more of a business talk or sometimes I feel like he doesn't really want to talk much.

When all this happens I really want to fly off to the twin to at least have them with me. I was never the one to talk much but I was always the one to be talked to a lot. In high school, it was all the friends I had. I wonder how are they doing. I can't contact them because one thing is that I don't have their contact details and the other thing is I can't tell them anything.

This makes me think what reason am I having to live. I can't die because I have got gifted from Cayden this amazing mark of his which is growing in me day by day and I have to be alive for him or her to grow and have a better life than I had.

" Hey? Briar?" suddenly a manly voice interrupted my thoughts and then I realized how I zoned out while talking to Aron. I really want to talk to him about the creepy person following me around.

" Yeah... I-I was distracted." I said trying to catch up with confidence.

" Are you okay? You can take a day off." he said putting his pen down. I was in his office and it's launch time. This is launch and this doesn't mean I am free either because if he works, I work too. Not to forget with one hand holding a sandwich. Well, I am getting used to this boring routine.

" No man I am just fine. I was just thinking if we could have a dinner together to you know catch up on stuff and I wanted to tell you something I have been experiencing recently." I asked all at once shocking him slightly. After a while of him staring at me, he gave a broad smile.

" Guess what? I was thinking of asking you this. But this workload is too much to handle. I can't really think straight when I am in the office. And yeah let's catch up tonight... if you're free of course?" he said fully attentive now. If only I knew he wasn't ignoring me.

"Of course. Let us just head out together from office then?" I asked smiling with a hope of having someone to share my shit with.

" Yes, I'll tell Mark to take your car home and you can come with me." he answered and I nodded before again getting busy with that shitty business papers. God knows when the time will pass. It feels like high school again. The same time when I used to wait for the last period to get over and rush back home to the twins who were mostly the only priority in my life back then.

Time did pass and we were heading out together. This time there was no creepy feelings coming. Especially the footsteps I hear in the parking lot a lot of times. We drove to a not so fancy hotel. The place was not having many people around. The people looked familiar with Aron as they just gave 'the usual' spot to him. I smiled knowing this is how rich people live.

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