chapter 20

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I hate hospitals , I always hated them . Ever since Dad left me I hated them .

Cayden looks wired after my accident , its not that he complained about anything but he looked quite upset . First I thought its because of me but I guess its not because I apologized and still he's the same .

" When am I going to be discharged ? " I asked the nurse doing something with my heart monitor which was beeping again and again . First I got scared that this heart monitor is making noises because of me but , its because of some problem . The whitish look of this hospital is irritating the shit out of me , I just want to be out of here as soon as possible .

" Mam some paper works are still there to be filled , after that I am sure you will be discharged . " she smiled . I just nodded my head and faced the white door wishing to run .

Soon I drifted to a dreamless sleep mostly because of their medications .

" I can't believe you let her go alone .. She could've ran away . " said a very familiar voice .

" She wouldn't have . " answered the voice I could recognize anywhere in this world .

I wanted to open my eyes but its tough because of my heavy head and the painful legs .

" They cannot be trusted Cayden , I will hate you for life if you messed anything up . " said the same female voice I can't put a finger on .

" Please shut up . " Cayden said in a tiring voice . " you better not mess up anything Cayden . " again the same voice said with a force on each word .

I couldn't handle this anymore . I forced how much ever power I could have  to open my eyes and when I did I saw nothing ...I mean I saw black . Okay , this is wired . I closed my eyes again and opened them to watch Cayden's head .

I hissed when the light from bulb hit my eyes , Cayden must have noticed because he was next to me in no time .

" Your okay ? " he asked in an concerned voice . " hmm ? " I don't know I answered him or questioned back . My head is throbbing real hard but I still managed to force myself sit up .

" just lay down no need to sit ." I ignored him and carried to push myself up . He came to my side in order to hold me upward .

As I sat I came face to face with Josie's smiley face , she really is beautiful . But was she the one talking to Cayden in a very strong accent .. Um she doesn't seem the type to be angry on anything . " how are you ? " she asked looking at me with a bright smile . " I am fine ." I answered returning the smile . Should I be asking about what was they talking ? I can't believe I have to think before saying or voicing out my thoughts . Seems like I have changed a lot .

" Umm .. You people looked in an argument ? Is it something serious ? " Josie's face fell so fast that I thought she is hiding something but she looked very much sincere and confident when she answered . " Nah I was talking about the agent work he does secretly , some girl has been caught and this seems to be threat for all of us as she ran we heard , but thankfully Cayden caught her . " okay this makes sense .

" I can't believe Cayden let you go alone . Did you eat anything are you hungry ? You must be . " she said so fast that if I didn't know English this well , I wouldn't have understood . She is not only pretty but she is blessed with a good soft heart as well . I couldn't help but smile . After all , this type of treatments are quite rare for me . Isn't my life getting more than good ?

" Okay , let me go order something for you , " she said without letting me reply back . Cayden sat next to me on the bed with his arms around my waist . There's no other comfort other than his arms for me . " When did she come ? " I asked putting pressure on my temples , they are hurting a lot . " do you want me to ask the doctor to check your headache ? Is it too much ? " he asked me instead . " No , I am okay . " I answered . " No , your not ! " Uh .. What does he want me to say ? " Okay , you say whatever you want . " I said smiling with my head tilted upward towards him . " You just have to say your not feeling well if your not . " he replied , kissing my forehead .

I couldn't help but lay on his chest . Maybe eating something will help me with this headache . Meanwhile the doctor entered the room with a serious face , he looked at Cayden as if he did something wrong .

 " Why are you sitting on the patient's bed ? I know she's your wife but you need to let her sleep ." Cayden stood up , I felt a wired anger rising in my chest when he asked Cayden like this . 

" I asked him to come sit with me because your bed is not at all comfortable . Its so hard , at least fix your beds so that we patients can sleep properly and now when I was about to sleep comfortably with him , you give your useless entry and ruin everything . "

 I said with a glare even thought I was in pain . I held my head and laid down on bed , my head is throbbing so bad that I would die . 

" Wait let me give you your injection . It's going to help you with your pain and long sleep . " I heard the doctor saying before I fainted . 





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