09 | Nao

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A/N - Hi loves, just a random question, how many of you gave boards this year? Also, the Tara and Lekh aesthetics below are made by the wonderful azureskies , thank you so much babe, i love the support. If any of you want to send me any fan art just e-mail me at Strangersight14@gmail.com.

Much love, Aashi xx

L E K H 

L E K H 

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09 | Nao

He said our.

Tara turned left and right in her bed, that one word had stolen her sleep for tonight. She thought about it again and again. What Lekh said tonight comforted her in ways she never thought Lekh could. His words showed he cared for the baby; she barely cared if he cared about her but it was very important for her to know if he was going to treat the baby right, if he was going to nurture it like his own.

And while this wasn't a solid assurance, it was a start of something new.

It was the first time Lekh had even hinted his concern about the baby; and the part where he got Indira to transfer her property to a child that wasn't yet born was subpar. Indira was going to give both Lekh and her a hell of a time when she found out about it, it would shake up this house. But right now, Tara didn't care. Right now Tara wanted to enjoy the spark of hope that had risen and this hope was something she needed to keep going. This hope was what she needed to wake up everyday and face this family, it was what she needed to stay strong for herself and for her baby.

She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach; this move had made her beyond happy. She felt ecstatic and she knew the baby did too which was why she loved it even more.

It's very important for a woman to stay happy in the nine months of her pregnancy, it is said it helps the developing baby to grow better. The small undeveloped life needs love and care even before it opens its eyes, maybe that's how important love is.

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