39 | Untalees

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A/N - Thank you so much for showering all the love that you are! Here's an important question : 

The name of Tara's son/daughter should be ______? (I'll be picking names from your comments for some of my characters in my next book, so go crazy!) 

Also, one chapter left, updating it after this one reaches 100 votes! (It's a little far fetched but let's see if we can do it!)

Much love, Aashi x

39 | Untalees

A month had passed since they had returned from their honeymoon and Tara was on bed rest. Two days ago they had announced to Ranjan that Tara was pregnant after she had fainted in the kitchen and was rushed to the hospital by Lekh and an extremely tensed Indira.

The doctor had reported what she had reported earlier. Tara needed rest and her emotional stress was making the pregnancy harder. At more than two months pregnant, she had to be resting most times and taking her medicines on time.

When they had returned from the hospital, Indira had informed Ranjan that Tara was pregnant and an ecstatic Ranjan had informed all their relatives, friends, office employees and factory workers. Sweets were distributed and sent out, calls were received, congratulations rejoiced and glory enjoyed.

Tara was relieved that she didn't have to hide it anymore and happy that she could finally experience her pregnancy to the fullest. Lekh was relatively lighter in mood too and she knew he was going to drop the bomb soon.

He was in their room more often, excusing himself from the office whenever possible so he could meet her. He had told Tara that Ranjan never stopped him, he was aware that his father felt guilty for whatever had happened with Tarini. Lekh had no doubt that Ranjan would have never supported his relationship with Tarini if things hadn't pan out the way they had but that didn't mean his conscious stopped him from feeling sorry for his son's misery.

Lekh had been through a lot, Ranjan realised it.

"Now is a good time to do it." Lekh said as he pulled the blanket on Tara. It was noon and Lekh took a half day from the office.

"I can't believe you are going to blackmail your mother." Tara said, and then sneezed. She had also caught the flue and rubbed her crimson nose in irritation.

Lekh gave her a tissue from the bed side and retorted, "It's not going to be a blackmail as much as it's going to be as persuasion. If she cares so much about her family and her grandchild, she'll agree even before I blackmail her."

Lekh fell back on the bed and stared at the wall.



"I think you should maybe consider forgiving your mother, I am not asking you to forget what happened, it's just – "



"No Tara. We don't go there. I have gone through years of pain because of what she did. I have so much of resentment and bitterness contained within me that sometimes I think I am going crazy. Please don't talk about her as if she's worth forgiving. You wouldn't know how it feels."

Lekh was angry and what he said immediately shut her up. Tara was growing a sense of sympathy and understanding for her mother-in-law. She knew what Indira did was unforgettable but once you start understanding someone, it gets increasingly difficult to hate them.

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