Part Two

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"Mama... let's go from here... please Mama... please." Madhu begs her mother as she hugged her crying. 

"Haan Madhu, we will go from here." Padmini tells her as she cried along with her daughter. 

After Madhu had fainted RK had carried her to their house and gently placed Madhu on her bed and he had told Padmini that Madhu would remain in her house as long as she wanted. Ignoring her shouting and cursing at him, he had walked out.  

Madhu and Padmini starts packing up their things. Packing their clothes, they come out of the bedroom and stops in shock seeing RK sitting on the chair with his one leg up on the table. 

RK shakes his head at Madhu in disappoint and says "Biwi... I married you without your permission and that is why I'm letting you stay here but if you try running then I am going to come after you." RK gets up from the chair and walks towards Madhu. "And I'll find you. Then I am going to bring you back and that time I'll not let you stay with your mother. I'll have you under lock and key in my house. I am giving you the permission to stay in your house as long as you want. Don't make me regret it." RK warns her.  

"SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU. LEAVE HER ALONE!" Padmini tells him with angry tears.  

"What sasuma? You saw us getting married. She is my wife now and you want me to leave her alone? Every mother wants her daughter to live with her husband all her life and you sasuma?" 

RK turns to Madhu and holds her arm and pulls her furiously towards him.  

"Leave her!" Padmini tries to push him off but he ignores her. 

"Biwi, tum mere ho... sirf mere. I want to be a good husband to you... so don't test me. Don't ever try to leave me. You'll not be able to imagine towards what extend I'll go if you try to leave me. You'll see that RK you would never have imagined possible. I'll be your worst nightmare... got it?" 

Madhu nervously nods her head in agreement. 

RK smiles satisfied and lovingly caress her cheeks then he gently kisses her on her forehead. "Good night biwi... Sasuma..." 

Madhu watches as RK walked out of her house.  

"Chal Madhu... let's leave from here." Padmini says hurriedly as she picked up their things. 

"Didn't you hear him, Mama?" Madhu asks her in shock. 

"We'll go somewhere where he will not find us." 

"He'll find us, Mama." Madhu says helplessly. 

"No Madhu... he will not. You just come with me and forget RK and what happened today. Just forget everything and we'll start life anew. We have done it once and we can do it again." Padmini tells her worriedly as she tried reassuring Madhu and herself. 

"He will not let me forget anything, Mama... he is going to come after me. Wherever I go, however fast and far I run he'll find me. He'll always find me, Mama." Madhu tells her crying.  

"No, Madhu... trust me." 

"You don't know him, Mama... he thinks I am his and I belong to him. He'll not let me go away from him, Mama." 

"Just forget him and come with me, Madhu." 

"No Mama... i won't... if he finds out I tried to run then he will take me away from you." Madhu tells her and runs to her room crying. 

The next two days, Madhu remained inside her house not going out anywhere not even to college. On the third day, she came out of her house as she looked out she found him watching her. For the first time, she looked at him as he looked at her. She was not being bold or challenging, she was captivated in his gaze. Then he crooks his finger at her and she shakes her head at him. He chuckles and crooks his finger at her again and Madhu continues to stare at him rooted to the ground. Sighing he gets up from there. Madhu watches him as he ran up the stairs and she continued to watch him as he with a lazily smile sauntered towards her. 

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