Part Four

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"Biwi... are you alright?" RK asks her as he looked at her.

Madhu smiles at his concern, he had kept asking her that while they made love. Even at the height of passion he was so worried for her, could he love her anymore? "I am more than alright. I feel great." Madhu tells him smiling as she hugged him. RK hugs her tightly to him and lies on his back with Madhu resting her head on his chest. "I should go." Madhu whispers.


"Will you come and talk to Mama about us?" Madhu asks him looking up at him.

"When do you want me to come?"

"After your exams."

"Till then you are going to stay away from me?" RK asks her frowning.

"It's just two weeks." Madhu pleads him.

"Okay." RK sighs.

"I've to go." Madhu tells him as she sat up pulling the blanket to her chest.

"I'll go. You don't have to come with me." Madhu tells him as he started walking with her. RK doesn't reply to that as he walked up the stairs with her. Seeing him determined Madhu takes his hand in both her hands and holds it happily. RK turns to look at her and she smiles at him happily. RK takes her hand to his lips and gently kisses it. Madhu blushes as she happily smiles at him. He stops in front of her house and Madhu opens the door.

"Good night." Madhu whispers to him.

RK smiles in return. Madhu starts to go in then she turns to him and quickly standing on tip toes she kisses his cheek and runs inside blushing. RK smiles happily as Madhu close the door.

Next day Madhu leaves for college and as she looked around she didn't find RK anywhere. Disappointed she walks to the bus stand and finds him waiting for her there. Madhu runs to him happily, "I thought you left already."

"Thought we'll go together." RK replies smiling at her as he took her hand in his.

"Let's go."

"Bus has to come right?" RK asks her chuckling.

"Where is your bike?"

"Sold it." RK replies with a shrug.

"Sold it? Why?" Madhu asks shocked.

"Where did you think I got money for the mangal sutra?" RK asks her.

"So you sold your bike?" Madhu asks him shocked.


"But it was a gift from your Baba right?"

"I don't need the bike to remember Baba, Biwi." RK tells her.

"But still... you shouldn't have done that." Madhu says upset.

"I needed the money for exam fees... books and all." RK tells her.

Madhu looks at him upset.

"It's not the last bike in this world... relax." RK says lightly patting her on her cheek. "Bus is here." RK says and holding her hand he walks towards the bus.

Since it was morning rush hour the bus was crowded and RK and Madhu had to stand. RK was standing behind Madhu as they both held the top railing. RK slyly holds Madhu's hand on the railing and Madhu starts blushing as she slowly leaned on to RK.

Feeling her so pressed up against him, RK starts getting turned on. "I don't think that is a good idea." RK whispers to Madhu.

Realizing why it was not a good idea, Madhu presses up against him further with an excited naughty grin.

Rishabala :  Four Shots : Tum Mere HoWhere stories live. Discover now