Chapter 16. Nuances

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Chapter16. Nuances

People who hadn't known Ester and Spencer for as long as I did would think that they couldn't be more different. Ester was studious, a bit on the serious side, wouldn't hold back on her opinions, and tended to stick to the brainy crowd in school. Spencer was loud when he wanted to be, made fun of anything he saw, and thought of books like the second coming of Hitler.

But they shared one thing in common. Their sense of adventure.

No matter how firm Ester was or how much of a dork Spencer could be sometimes, they always joined together for new experiences. That's when Spencer's genius would come in. However dangerous or troublesome the escapade could get, he'd manage to convince Ester to do it by taunting her with promises of experiments, testing theories, learning.

As their closest friend, I couldn't be happier that they operated like this. If they didn't, I probably wouldn't be sneaking in the neighborhood in the middle of the night, trying to get inside the Governor's mansion.

"Follow me," Spencer whispered. He turned forward, ducked, then crept to the street. Ester and I stuck to the shadows while going after him.

We didn't go directly to the mansion though. To my surprise, we entered the yard to the left of my house, the one that had always been abandoned. We passed the garden gnomes, the broken tires, the scattered boxes and the empty bottles. The grass crunched under my shoes until it went past my knees, going all the way to my waist. This place was a dumpsite.

Spencer stopped when we reached a fence. It stretched to the right and left, preventing anyone from trespassing on the other side where the Governor's residence awaited. The moonlight didn't hide my frown as Spencer turned to me. "I know how it looks," he murmured.

My eyes raised to the 7-foot partition. "Am I supposed to climb that?" I whispered.

"The climbing isn't until later," Ester answered.

Spencer grinned and disappeared under the grass. There was rustling on the spot where he vanished, before his thumb poked upward in a gesture of assurance. "Still here," his muffled voice said.

Ester nodded to me. "You remember how we used to play here thinking the place was haunted?"


She motioned to the fence. "Spencer and I made a small hole leading to the Governor's mansion back then. I guess they didn't see it when they closed off the place to prepare for the Morgan's return."

"You sneaky son-of-a-gun." My smile was wide.

"Hurry guys," Spencer whispered. "I don't see guards on the other side."

"How sure are you that we won't get caught?"

"I trust Brad. He said he's friends with one of the guards and would call him tonight."

My stomach churned with the mention of that guy. Did this mean he was doing me a favor?

Ester inched closer to me. "Think when you're inside, Des." She then placed a hand over my head, gave me an encouraging nod, and pushed me down.

For a while all I could see was green. The overgrowth tickled my cheek, my nose, everywhere it got. Spencer had created a path for me. I only needed to follow in his footsteps, scratching my elbows along the way.

"Through there," he said when we met. The way he was pointing to was a small hole under the fence. So small that it wouldn't be noticeable to anyone who wasn't looking for it.

"Can we fit?"

"Yup. I'll go first." He got to his belly, pressed his chest on the ground, and began to make his way to the hole. A few seconds later, he made bird-like sounds on the other side, too low to catch attention. I got on my stomach and went after him.

Dear Ex-Girlfriend (Lesbian, Girlxgirl, Gay)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu