Chapter 28. First

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Chapter28. First

The first speck of sunlight was shining through the window when my alarm clock beeped. I slammed my hand on it and rolled out of bed.

I've prepared everything last night, so I only needed to go to the window, swing it open, and step back before the morning air freezes me to death. The telescope was waiting beside me. I took a peek.

'Good morning, Destiny.'

My lips cracked into a smile. Genesis was on her balcony like she promised, holding the whiteboard she used to write messages with. Messages to me.

I left the telescope long enough to grab my own whiteboard and marker and respond. 'Hi, beautiful.'

Genesis' lowered her binoculars and covered her face with a hand. I wish she was closer so I could see the blush on her cheeks. Maybe later.

Erasing the message with the tissue, I began to write another one. 'Are we on for today?'

'Yes.' She responded. 'Dindo is not a problem anymore. We can go anywhere.' She erased, then wrote again. 'Wear a dress.'

'Ha-ha, Gene. No can do.'

'Even for me?' The question mark was huge.

'You're spoiled.'

'So are you.' Genesis looked behind her and quickly scribbled another note on the board. 'I have to go. Gabby is knocking on my door.' She had lowered the board and was about to turn around when she changed her mind and erased the whole message. It was my turn to cover my face when I saw the last thing she wrote. 'It's a date.' And then she was gone.

I didn't feel bad that Gabrielle had stopped our talk because now Genesis and I could flirt anytime. This was just a pause, a half-time break, so I skipped to the hallway after a hot shower and prepared breakfast.

Dad came along thirty minutes later. It was a Saturday so his hair was still a mess. He hadn't shaved yet as well, and I rubbed his chin to tease him about it.

"I'd say knock it off, but you haven't done that in a while." He stopped and stared at the food on the table, complete with steaming hot coffee on the side, while I bounced to the counter to fish the dessert. "Someone's in a good mood," he muttered.

"Can I have money?" I brought the dessert to the table. "I don't need much, just something to let two people eat at Roberto's, and a movie afterwards."

"That's a good one." He pulled a chair and sat.

"Of course, it is. So how much will you give me? Not that I'm pressuring you or anything. Like I said, I don't need that much."

Dad blinked at me like I've said the most absurd thing in the world. "You're not serious, are you?" His reaction changed to surprise when I tilted my head. "You are? But fancy restaurant? Movie?" He folded his arms as he came to the realization. "Are you going on a date?"

"D-date? Psh!" I waved my hand and stepped back. "Who's going on a date? I'm not. Are you? And besides, what part about a restaurant and a movie is a date? It's not a date. It's a get-together."

"Des, you're rambling."

"I am, aren't I?" My laugh sounded nervous. "Can you just give me money and get this over with? It's really awkward."

He stared at the breakfast again and sighed. "Alright, but call me so I can talk to this boy you're seeing. He sounds questionable."

My mouth was back to a beam as I pulled my own chair. "No, she's not."

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