Chapter 23. Her

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Chapter23. Her

Genesis was happy. Not the kind where she'd smile to everyone, treat them with her big allowance, or did things out of the usual. She was just that, happy. And I didn't have the heart to take it away from her, even it if it meant I had to keep my silence. Because even though it's only been a few days, she was finally moving on. I wish I could say the same for me.

"Err, uhm, is Genesis inside?" I looked past the guy on the door to check if she was. The guy was too big though, too persistent to keep prying eyes away from the room. He blocked most of my view.

"Who are you again?" he said.


"Who's that?"

I leaned back to stare at him. Was he new to the campaign? His face didn't register to me, but his inquiring glance was still there.

"I'm Genesis'—"

"Best friend," a voice supplied. Genesis pushed the guy out of the way to step from the room to my side. The faint smell of cotton candy wafted to my nose. "Destiny is my best friend. If you see her again next time, please don't think twice and let her in."

"Sure." The guy made a small salute and turned around. "We'll wait for you."

We waited for him to close the door and permanently disappear from our view before focusing on each other. Genesis was smiling again, but her smile wasn't for me anymore. My stomach twisted.

"Sorry about that," she said. "New guy."

"I figured."

We stared at each other for a while, not really going into any topics. She didn't go into whether her campaign was making progress, or how she felt after we went home days ago from the creek. In turn, I didn't go into details about how I was confused, how my recurring dreams of her kept me awake at night, or how every day, the thought of kissing her cotton candy scented lips becomes more abundant. Touché.

"So why did you come again?" she asked after a minute or two. The thirty minutes break was almost over. I must be keeping her from her duties.

"Nothing. I thought maybe you'd like to hang out later."

"Later?" Her eyes narrowed. "Can't."


She folded her arms, her head tilting to the side. "The boys have a game, remember? We're all required to attend."

"Oh. . . Ha-ha. Right." A whoosh of air escaped from my lips. Why was this so hard? "I guess I'll see you around then. I don't want to distract you from the campaign. Voting season is almost here."

I was about to move away when she caught my arm. She hadn't let go when I glanced at her quizzically. "Destiny?"


She smiled, and a part of me; the part that wanted so much for her to still be in love, died.

"Distract me all you want," she murmured.

I blinked at her for a few seconds, then reached out to tweak her nose. "If I distract you, you'll lose, and we need you to win so Mr. Morgan will get his ass off your case."


"There you are with you mmmm again," I said. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"Close your eyes for me?"

I didn't expect her to say that, but with Genesis, expect the unexpected, so I did as she asked. "Is this fine?" I murmured.

She didn't answer. She didn't make a move to touch me or anything. I just stood there in the hallway, eyes closed, hearing the tick-tick of my wristwatch. "You can open your eyes now," she finally said.

Dear Ex-Girlfriend (Lesbian, Girlxgirl, Gay)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat