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"how many?" a guy asked holding menus.

"reservation for gilinsky" i smiled.

"yes, this way" i started to follow him.

as jack saw me he stood up and fixed his jacket. he looked really good. like mature and classy.

"hey han, you look beautiful" he kissed my cheek.

"you too. well you don't look beautiful, i mean you do. you look good" i struggled.

"you're so cute when you're flustered" he chuckled and drank his water.

"thanks" i said sarcastically and sipped on my water with a smile.

"so shayla told me you insisted on it just being us" he said.

"you're the one that asked me" i replied.

"no, i was told that you asked me out as friends" he shook his head.

"i think two little birdies set us up" i chuckled.

"so you don't even want to be here" he sighed in disappointment and sat back.

"who said that?" i asked.

"you want to be here with me? they obviously didn't mean as friends. look where we are, how dressed up we are. " he said.

"i want to be here jack" i put my hand over his.

he just smiled and we continued our food.

"so what happened to baby steps?" he asked as we exited the restaurant.

"nothing wrong with having dinner" i shrugged.

"we'll talk tomorrow?" he asked as we reached my car.

"for sure" i nodded.

"bye beautiful" he hugged me and i headed off with a dumb smile on my face.

i'm surprised he didn't kiss my cheek. i don't know why i'm all excited. he's called me beautiful a million times. but this time it felt like he meant it.

i walked in my apartment and took my heels off.

"what are you grinning about? omg, did you kiss? or more?" ali attacked me with questions.

"he called me beautiful" i turned to her.

gosh she's short.

"he's called you that befo— oh no. hannah, you can't be falling for your ex" she exclaimed.

"i'm not" i shook my head in denial and went to my room.

"hannah ann young don't lie to me. i can see it in your eyes" she followed me.

uh oh the full name.

"there's nothing in my eyes" i told her.

"yes there is" she argued.

"what is it? since you can sense what everyone's feeling" i stood close to her and looked in her eyes, me being taller than her obviously.

"love, not lust, not baby steps. i see love hannah" she held my shoulders.

i just slumped on to my bed. what was i supposed to say?

"you're right" i said as if my breath was being taken from me.

"i knew he would try this" she stomped one foot of rage.

"no, he didn't force me into this. it just happened. i fell for him. i don't think i ever did the first time" i stood up realizing everything.

"what do you mea—" aaliyah knotted her eyebrows in confusion.

"i have to go, text me" i put some flip flops on and ran out to my car.

i needed to think and be alone. i didn't know what to do. all i know is that i can't sit there arguing and being questioned right now.

i decided to go for a hike. i know it seems pretty random but i needed to clear my head.

i went to the trails that i've always gone on, everyone from the area does. it was rainy and gloomy out, i was glad because that meant that likely no one would be out.

i got numerous calls from aaliyah but i ended up just putting her on mute. i can't deal with her right now.

i already had leggings and an under armour v-neck on so i just put my sunglasses on and put my hair in a ponytail.

( this is the next day btw)

my makeup was taken off already also so i'm thankful that no ones out today. i'm insecure about my skin.

i didn't even put on music. i just wanted a complete escape.

i can't believe it's true. i didn't even think about it, i just assumed i missed the thought of jack.

i started jogging and kept my pace for about an hour. i wasn't going fast at all so it was easy.

out of nowhere someone grabbed my arm. i turned around in fear. god, i should have a whistle on me.

"hannah. thank. god. it's. you" he said in between breaths.

"jack?! what are you doing here?" i exclaimed.

"aaliyah told me you ran off and looked pretty upset, i knew you went here" he said, still breathing heavy.

"i'm not upset. i just need to think" i said.

"about what?" he asked, in a calm tone like he genuinely wanted to know.

"a-aaliyah noticed something" i sad shakily.

"what? what's wrong han?" his voice laced with concern which made me smile a little.

"she made me realize something about us" i cleared my throat.

at this point he was sitting next to me on a log in the middle of the forest.

"hannah, we've been through this. i get that you just want to be friends" he sighed.

"no jack, i thought that i wanted to stay just friends but i don't. aaliyah saw something in my eyes. something that was never there before" i looked at my hands.

"hannah, you don't have to—" he started with a sincere tone.

"no, i do. you deserve to hear how i feel. i need to hear it too" i cut him off.

"she saw love in my eyes. not lust, but love. she said i fell inlove all over again with you. but i didn't" i looked him in the eyes and his facial expression looked sad and scared of what i would say next.

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