(33) Who's Alex

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Blake's POV

As I grab Dylan in my arms "Go back!" She said.

"I'm not leaving you here! It's too dangerous!" I said.

"Just go!" She said and push me out. I glance back at her and she turn around and saw Max's gang.

"Blake!" Jordan yelled, I looked at him and ran to the boat I put Dylan and look back.

"Princess!" I yelled and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry she'll make it" Jax assured. "Come on! Jacob!" He commanded while Maddie and Allyson wrap Dylan's stomach.

We drove a few meters away from the boat. I looked up the sky 'Please be okay! Princess!' I prayed and the boat exploded into pieces.

"Princess!" I yelled and jump out from the speed boat.

"Blake!" Jax yelled, as I swam to the explosion.

"Princess!" I yelled, I swam in the middle of the explosion and ashes fell down from the sky. "Princess!" I yelled again.

I can't loss her! She's my life

"Blake!" Yelled from the voice that I want hear. "Blake!" I swam where the sound was coming from and saw my princess. A smiled showed in my face and she swam to me.

"Princess! I...I thought-" she cut me off.

"You thought I die? That's impossible. I might sometimes not think straight but I won't die just because I have to, it's because I want to! And I don't want to die yet even if I'm gonna be with my twin" she said and without any hesitations. I crashed my lips to hers, are lips are in sync and she pull away and smiled. "I'm freezing!" She shiver.

"Lets go!" I grabbed her hand and we swam to the jetski that is which look like untouch well except ashes on it. I grab her waist and hop her in then I hopped in. "Hold on princess!" I said and we speed down the shore.

We reached the shore and I hopped down and helped her.

"Ow!" She wince.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"I sort of jump from the boat and hit my foot on the rusty chain where the anchor is attach?" She shrug.

"Show" she showed me her leg and see a big scrape at her knee to her ankle. "Why didn't I saw this before?" She shrug, I shook my head and carried her bridal style. She yelp.

"I can walk you know!"

"Oh I know you want this" I smirk she rolled her eyes and we walk where the car is. We look around and saw the guys huddled around Alexa's car.

"Jax!" She yelled and they all looked at us, he ran up to us and put my princess down. He hug her.

"Thank god your safe!" Jax said. She smiled.

"Can we like go to the hospital? Cause I dying here and so is Dylan!" She said sarcastically, we chuckle and went to our car. I'm with Alexa and Maddie is driving Alexa's car to the hospital.


Alexa's POV

We are now currently at the hospital. Dylan is on a surgery right now and I'm here laying on a hospital bed waiting for the doctor to finish my bandage. Is it really have to be a perfect bandage? I mean it will remove after today right?

"Alright! Good thing nothing happened much on your leg its just a scrape so you could walk properly maybe after an hour once the medicine suck up the rust." The doctor smiled and left.

"So who's Alex?" Blake asked all of sudden. I breathe deeply.

"Alex is my faternal twin. We always do crazy stuff together like vandelising the school property, get detention together without any reasons crazy right?. He was always there for me, he supported me, he always made me happy but he died all because of me." I felt a tear slip out my eye but Blake wiped it before me.

"It's okay you don't have to continue" I shook my head.

"I was almost getting kidnap by one of Mendoza's men and he was there to save me. He fought it like a mad man, use the tricks that Carter thought him but all of sudden he got shot on his chest, I brought him to the hospital and the doctor said he loss a lot of blood and heart failure.

He got into a coma and I stayed with him for weeks I didnt go to school or eat or do anything that results leaving him. But one morning he woke up and told me 'Keep on with your life. Don't worry about me be happy and i'll always be with you along the adventures we hadn't finish. I promise you I will always be there for you no matter what' I cried and cried after he said that to me and you know what he did? He just laugh at me! I could say he could be the worst brother but the same time the greatest.

Then thats the day I shut people out. The day I lost everything. And the love that I needed for the rest of my life, he's my twin and I promised to him the we will do every dangerous stuff around the world. But it didn't happen and as he said 'Keep on with my life' I continue it maybe after months of mourning I guess? And now here I am! He made a new life for me. So thats why you and they called me Alex because he's gonna be there for me" I smiled and felt hot tears streaming down my face. He wiped it and kissed me.

"I'm always here for you alright?" I nodded and sat up.

"Lets go see Dylan!" I said and hopped down but totally forgetting that I have a scrape leg which I wince. "Fuckin scrape!" I mutter and I guess he heard it he laugh.

"Come on!" He carried me bridal style and walk to Dylan's room.

We reach Dylan's room and everyone is around him like where's the space for me? I saved him. They saw us and made a space for me. I limp to his bed and sat down at the edge.

"He looks cute!" Allyson chirp.

"Eww! Disgusting Allyson! Don't just don't" I said.

Why do I have weird friends?

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