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A/N: Hi! I'm posting this short little intro to a new story, and if I get a good amount of interest, I'll continue with it. This idea won't leave my head so I wrote it out, and I'll let you guys decide if I should continue with it. This is completely AU, so they aren't famous.

Read on and let me know what you think! :)


Lauren stood in front of the counter, her hands shaking, a slight sweat to her complexion as she stared at an envelope sitting in front of her.

"Hey, Lauren!" her best friend and roommate, Camila, called as she entered their apartment.

"In here," the older girl replied weakly.

Camila must have heard though because she appeared in the kitchen a few moments later. She took in the sight, and smiled sympathetically. "I take it your test results came," she stated obviously.

"They did."

"Have you opened them?"

Lauren shook her head, clenching her eyes shut. She couldn't look at the papers. She didn't want to know what sort of future lay ahead of her.

Camila gently laid a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Lauren, no matter what the results say, it'll be okay," she promised.

Lauren scoffed. "Easy for you to say," she muttered bitterly. "You knew what you would be by the time we were sixteen, you even took the test early!" she argued, sitting on a kitchen stool.

"It still took  bit of adjusting, even for me," the younger girl pointed out calmly. She knew Lauren was scared of what the paper could say.

When you turned eighteen, you had to take a personality test that assigned your role in society: dominant, submissive, caretaker, or little.

While the dominant and submissive roles were usually in sexual contexts, the caretaker and little roles were not to ever be used in sexual contexts.

The test was mandatory at the age of eighteen, but it could be voluntarily taken as early as sixteen. Those who took it early were usually people like Camila, who knew early what role they would be assigned.

Camila knew by the time they had entered high school that she was a little. She loved playing with children's toys, watching childish tv shows and movies, wearing more kiddish clothing, and letting people make decisions for her. She preferred to hand control over to someone else, and for a while, before she took the test to confirm her role and found her caretakers, it was usually Lauren who she gave that control over herself to.

Lauren, who never felt comfortable being in such a dominant position, even though she dressed more like a dominant and gave off a cool, confident vibe. She took care of Camila when the younger was little (not so much now that her friend had found her own caretakers, but sometimes Camila would slip into her headspace when she was at their apartment), but it never felt quite right to her to be in that more dominant role. Lauren may put up  a badass persona, but she knew inside she was anything but.

And it terrified her to possibly have that flaunted back at her in that letter. Because Lauren may not like having control of others, but that didn't mean she wanted to hand control of herself to someone else.

Lauren sighed, looking up at Camila. "I don't want to look," she admitted hoarsely, tears forming in her bright green eyes. "Camila, I can't look!" she exclaimed, shoving the letter away.

The younger girl picked the envelope up off the floor. "Lauren, look at me," she ordered softly. When green eyes hesitantly met her own, she smiled warmly. "No matter what that letter says, I will still love you," she promised. "Nothing changed between us when I got my results back, did it?" she asked.

Lauren sighed, looking away. "No, nothing changed," she answered quietly. "I helped you, until you found your caretakers."

"Right. Lauren, that paper doesn't change who you are to me. You will still be Lauren Jauregui, my best friend." She wrapped her arms around the older girl, hugging her tightly. "You will still be my Lauren, nothing will change that."

Lauren nodded, letting out a nervous breath. She took the letter from the girl's hands, opening it slowly.

"This won't change anything?" the older girl asked timidly, looking up to the other girl with pleading eyes.

"This changes nothing."

Lauren nodded, let out an anxious breath, and tore the letter from the envelope, scanning it over quickly.

Her thoughts, and fears, were confirmed there in black and white.

Lauren Jauregui was a little.


And that's the intro! Please leave a comment telling me if you liked it or hated it. I really want to know what you guys are thinking and if you want me to continue with this or not.

And I am still planning on continuing with the continuation of 'Left Behind', this story idea just wouldn't leave.

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