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"She should have healed by now, it's not healing up Alpha" The doctor mumbled as him and the man stood in the corner of the hospital room talking in low voices that I was finding it hard to make out.

I was sat up in a hospital bed, my tan legs dangling over the edge as I waited for whatever was about to come at me next.

I had blacked out yesterday, all I can remember is waking up here about a hour ago when since all the doctor has done is poke and prod me, mostly my neck where the pain had subsided.

He asked me some questions as did the man as soon as I woke up but they were unanswered as I sealed my lips shut, I could tell they were starting to get frustrated with me when the doctor pulled the man into the corner of the room around five minutes ago.

"She's weak, has she eat or drank anything?" The doctor asked, similar to the questions he had shed me a while ago but didn't get an answer to.

"She won't, the most I got into her was a few glasses of water, even that took a while" The man replied his eyes scanning over to me every few seconds as if he was checking that I was still there.

"She needs to be put on a drip if this continues, for now you can't leave her, she's human her body is small as it is and can't handle the bond, whenever you leave her she will have a lot of pain" The doctor ordered staring up at the man.

My head was swarming with my own questions ever since yesterday and now this, what did he mean that I couldn't handle the bond? What bond.

I had to be out on a drip? That wasn't happening again, I won't let them.

The man was the first to take a step away from the doctor as he walked toward me taking large strides as he placed his hands on either side of the bed I was sitting on.

"Emily, what do you want to eat?" He asked however he held a determined look in his eyes, as if he wasn't going to give up until I answered him.

I stared into his now golden eyes, my mouth not moving to answer him which only made his face lean closer into mine causing me to shuffle back on the bed, I didn't want to be any closer to him than I needed to be no matter what my heart was telling me. He's going to hurt me one way or another.

"Set the drip up" he barked at the doctor who replied with a short nod.

My eyes widened as his hand came up to my face holding onto a long strand of my long brown hair twiddling it around between his fingers.

I reached my hand up grabbing the piece of my hair back pulling it behind my ears, out of his reach. I didn't want his filthy hands touching me more than they had to, who knows where they have been.

He let out a short laugh as his eyes flashed over to the doctor  who was now standing with a large needle in his hand as he prepared the drip that was going into me.

My eyes focused onto the doctor, as I watched him move around the room easily gathering what he needed quickly before I felt a warm hand being placed onto my chin turning me to face him.

"Look at me Emily" He spoke his voice coming out deep.

I looked down at my hands, if none of this hadn't of happened to begin with id probably be in grandmas right now bored out of my mind, searching for service or righting with my brother. It didn't sound like an ideal summer but it was sure more exciting than this.

"Ready Alpha" The doctor spoke from beside me making me jump to the other side of the bed before hitting the boards that were set up at the two edges of the bed preventing people from falling out of the bed.

The man looked at me once more his eyes pleading as he held out his hand towards me, asking me to give him my wrist.

"Once last chance, will you eat?" He asked once again, becoming impatient.

I weighed out my options, would I rather eat food from my mouth, no matter how hard I try not to or have a needle stuck in my wrist for the next couple of days. It was already there and left a mark.

I didn't want to speak to them, but I had to, I didn't want to needle in my wrist, what could I do? It's not like I could outrun two men. I wasn't fast at the best at times and I knew I wouldn't make it a step without him grabbing onto me.

I swallowed hard and moved my head back and forth, giving him a small nod in return, his eyes widened at my reply, as if wasn't expecting me to talk before he turned to the doctor and motioned him out of the room.

"Finally" He sighed in relief.

"You know it wouldn't hurt to talk a little" He added as he stood up straight taking his tall figure once again.

He walked over to the chair that was placed beside the hospital bed and slumped himself down on it closing his eyes for a brief second before reopening them, he looked as if he hasn't sleep in a while.

"You know don't have to be afraid" He sighed before turning to face me, his eyes staring into my own.

I don't have to be afraid? How would he like to be kidnapped in the middle of the night, and then being told what you can and can't do without any explanation of what's happening.

"I mean, I know you're probably thinking that you're going to get hurt, but you won't Emily. I won't hurt you, I won't let anybody hurt you I just need you to talk to me, say anything" By the end of his sentence his voice had gone croaky as pain was laced threw his blue eyes

I looked down at my hands, a pain soared threw my chest not doubled over excruciating pain, but I felt it run up and down my chest, what was happening, I've never felt like this before and I feel like it's all I've been feeling for the past couple of days.

"My names Four" He spoke up, his voice was back to normal now, deep and slightly raspy causing my head to snap in his direction.

Four? His name was four? What type of name was four? I felt a tingly feeling soar across my neck as he spoke, I always thought his name would be something like Alec, Luca something that reminds me of power, not Four.

His eyes stayed on my brown ones as he spoke, he was trying to get me to speak by telling me things about him, I almost found myself giving into his trap and opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it.

He was doing something to me, my mind it was clouded with thoughts and I couldn't think straight. He was doing this to me, I don't know what but he knew what effect he was having on me, as his blue eyes widened as he leaned forward closer to me.

"I'm twenty" He continued his eyes not leaving mine once, I think i haven't even saw them move to blink yet, what was this guy superhuman?

I pulled my hand to my head which felt like it was screaming, it felt as though all the thoughts in my head were a hammer which was banging hard in my head waiting to be let out.

"I've lived here all my life" He waffled on as I tried my best to black him out.

I didn't like this feeling, my guard was beginning to decrease and I couldn't hold on any longer, I had to get him to stop, he needed to stop now.

He stood up from his chair walking over to me, taking the stance he had once again had a few minutes ago, leaning down and placing his hands either side of me as my feet dangled over the edge of the bed.

"I'm the Alpha-" He began to explain, his face was getting closer and closer to mine, it was just inches away now and I could feel his hot breath fan my face.

"Stop" I cried out as I felt tears begin to form in the back of my head, spelling out as I covered my hands over my ears in an attempt to stop the thoughts that were swarming my head like bees.

"Just stop" I mumbled as I felt his large thumb come in contact with my face as he swiped away the tears that were falling from my eyes, I didn't pull back however, I had just given up.

The Alphas Human MateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora