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My hold on the popcorn I was gripping seconds before now completely let loose as I rushed towards the two brothers standing in the doorway. Fours huge frame towering over Dylan's smaller stance, Dylan's previous red face now completely washed away as his face now held the expression as white as a sheet. It was almost as if his red face transferred over to Fours, as his usual tan coloured face now Began to turn a beetroot coloured as the moments passed.

"Answer me Goddamit" Four voice boomed to the point when even I wanted to shrink away into the sofa and pretend like I didn't exist and wasn't about to witness my second murder. In all the times I have witnessed Four get pissed I've never seen his bloody veins pop out as such, I thought he was about to burst as his face now mere inches from his brothers.

His chest was bouncing up and down rapidly as he practically seethed anger, his question he already knew the answer to.

All that could be heard in the next few seconds was Fours heavy breathing as he raised his hand towards Dylan who remained silent his eyes adverting everywhere but to Fours eyes. He shrunk in his shoulders almost as if he was already giving up this fight. Fours large hand collided with Dylan's shoulder and he began to squeeze hard as his knuckles began turning white and Dylan's eyes squeezed shut.

I closed my eyes for a brief second, all I wanted to do was to push past them and pretend Four wasn't about to kill his little brother but I couldn't. It was my fault.

"Four, please-" I began my voice coming out more shaky than I had expected, I wanted to use a stern voice so he would listen to me and take me seriously but I didn't know how this was going to turn out. Was he going to go back to the Four he was before?

I braced myself for Fours anger to transfer over to me from getting involved in his argument. When Four was enraged from past experience I know almost nothing could calm him, especially not my intervention it would only anger him more.

His other hand that was free swerved to grab ahold of my waist and pulled me to the other side of him so I was no longer between the two boys but was standing behind Four his broad shoulders blocking me from Dylan's view.

"Bedroom. Now"Fours tone growled out as he didn't let his eyes meet mine once as his hand pushed me towards the bedroom door.

I opened my mouth to object to his orders, I wasn't going to let him speak to me like I was a child plus I'm pretty sure he will thank me later for not causing internal damage to Dylan. He was acting if it wasn't any of my business but Four murdering his brother over one stupid bloody kiss that I can barley even remember was my business.

"I kissed him!" I exclaimed as Dylan's wincing started to become louder until Fours back in a quick movement swerved around his deep blue eyes now fully disappeared  replaced by bright cold gold ones eventually meet mine.

Fours eyes roamed my face as it scrunched up in anger before his eyes left mine and forced their way back to his brother. His anger now seemed to increase as his other hand made the way to the back of Dylan's neck as groans of pain erupted from Dylan.

I quickly jumped backwards as Four swirled around this time in his grip a slumped over Dylan as he began taking long strides down towards the elevator at the end of the corridor.

Shit, nothing was working, he was going to kill his little brother.

"Four, listen to me it was me Dylan didn't do anything wrong-" I began to ramble my voice wobbling as I followed Fours long strides down the corridor, I didn't know what to say that would make it better.

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