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"Are you sure she's Emily? If we got got the wrong girl he will be pissed."

"It's her, she was exactly where the mole to,d us she would be, she's exactly like she is in the picture stop worrying, we've did our job"

"What is the exact plan? What does Alpha Tom want with her? Yes I know it's revenge on Four but how exactly is he going to do that. Surely he won't harm the girl."

"Stop asking so many questions Damon! For what he did to our Luna I'm sure Aloha Tom has a lot in store for her"


I groaned as a dull pain erupted from my head my hand went up to attempt to try soothe it only before I felt a bandage wrapped around it. Then it hit me.

My eyes shot open the bright light taking me a few seconds to adjust before I could get a glimpse around me. Grey walls, wooden furniture, large windows, this wasn't the room at the cabin or Fours room.

Shit, where was Dylan? Was he here to? The questions and panic that overcame me only made my head pound worse. I pulled the sheets from my legs and pulled myself of the bed.

My bare feet hit the cold floor as I attempted to slow down my breathing, if I've learnt anything from being kidnapped like twice in the last few months is that they can hear the littlest of things. I swear Four could hear a change in my pulse and ask me if I was alright.

Four, I never thought I would actually want to be back in his safety.

My eyes wandered the room for any possible weapons when my eyes landed on the lampshade that was placed on the desk across the room, I quickly made my way over almost holding my breath to remain as quite as possible.

I pulled the lamp out of the plug before taking it in my hands, I've learnt a few tips from the Netflix movies I have watched over the past couple of months. Anything can be a weapon if you use it correctly.

I made my way towards the door silently hoping that outside it would be one of Fours guards and this was all just a misunderstanding, I slipped bumped my head and just woke up a little confused.

I quickly pulled the door open, if I didn't now then I would probably back out and wait for them to come to me. I stepped out of the room to find myself in a hallway that seemed never ending. Countless doors on each side, of course this wasn't going to be an easy getaway.

I forced myself to take steps forward my shaky legs barley able to carry me down the hallway, at any moment someone could jump out of one of the doors and I would be busted.

I picked up my pace as the end of the hallway became near and I was faced with a black door which stood out in comparison to the brown other ones. Did this mean it was an exit? I was sure going to see.

My shaky breaths slowed down as my grip on the lamp tightened as I pulled the door open to revel a set of stairs, I took a deep breath before I began to quickly walk down them. As I got further I heard people, chatting, laughing I even heard a child cry.

My view was now a large room, I gazed through one of the stair bars as I sat down if I went any further I would be visible to everyone that was in the room. The room was filled with people each in their groups some running around and some laying on the sofas.

What was this type of place? Where all these people kidnapped to?

My eyes widened as I sat in the stair for a few minutes watching the people deciding what my next move would be before a man who I had seen laying on his phone now began walking towards the stairs.

What was I meant to do? I couldn't run back up them in time and where would I go?

I almost sighed a sigh in relief when another man who I didn't see in the crowd stopped in just as he was about to take his first step.

"I was just going to check up on Emily" The first man sighed making a gasp come out of me and their heads to snap in my direction.

How the hell did he know my name? Who was he? My mind went into a craze I didn't even notice how much noise I was making until my hands were shaking I dropped the lamp making a large bang erupt.

"I think it's a little late for that" The other man then mumbled shaking his head.



All I could see was red as I slammed my bruised and bloody brother into the wall, how could he let this happen? I gave him a second chance, I trusted him with the only person in this worlds life that mattered to me.

"This is your fault, You are the reason she is missing." I spat into my brothers face as my  grip around his neck tightened and his face became even more purple as he tightened his eyes shut, not fighting back.

He knew it was his fault, after we got word that wolves had broken into the house all I had been seeing was red, even seeing Dyaln my brothers battered body on the floor before I even got ahold of him angered me, not because I was pissed someone had did this to my brother but because I couldn't do it.

He let them wolves take my mate, he was going to pay for it.

"Four, We know how the wolves found out the whereabouts of Emily" My beta Finns voice grabbed my attention as my gaze shifted over to him as he stepped over the broken front door.

"We had a mole in the pack, Jenson he was one of the wolves guarding the house, All the other wolves were killed, him the only one that was missing so I sent a few men who tracked him in the woods" He explained.

I turned back to face my brother who winced in pain as my hold tightened.

"If a hair is out of place on her head you will pay" I hissed before loosening my grip and letting him drop to the ground, I didn't have time to kill him just yet my main priority was my mate.

I took deep breaths and clenched my fists my nails digging into my skin, it took all of me not to destiny everything in sight, I wanted to punch every single object in my way. Deep down I blamed myself, I shouldn't of left her alone, why didn't I think this would happen? I have enemies everywhere Ofcoure they would use Emily to get to me.

As soon as I left the house and my gaze fell on the man that was responsible for this my anger bubbled as I charged at him my hands wrapping around his neck as he fell to the ground.

"Four we need to question him, we need him alive for that" Finn reminded me, at least someone was thinking straight right now, if it was up to me he would be dead in one second.

"Where is she? God help you if you don't start fucking speaking" I growled out, I assigned wolves I trusted to guard the house never would I have thought this mutt would turn against his own alpha.

The man remained silent a small smirk beginning to rise on his face which only angered me further.

"You find this funny? I'll find it funny when I have your family killed and tortutred if you don't tell me what you know and maybe I'll make your death a little less painful" I growled out.

"Go ahead" The man spluttered out, I know myself could be heartless but a man that cared more about a stupid revenge plan than his own children was a new level. Now that I realised he wouldn't speak I shut my eyes before I let my hands tighten fully around his neck until I felt his breath stop.

"It's the crescent moon pack, that's why they had a picture of her. Now it's time to find them" I stated as I stood up facing Finn who nodded.

I will do anything to get her back.

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