Chapter 2

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Helena's POV

Ryan brought us back to the pack house, the rotten eggs had dried onto my arms and cheeks. As well as Ryan's hair and face. He dropped Heather off in her room and carried me across the hall to my room. With me still in his arms, he leaned over and turned on the hot water so it would fill the tub. After it was almost full, he turned off the hot water and plopped a foaming bath ball into the hot water.

"Thank you." I said as he set me down on the edge of the tub. He glared at me playfully before he turned to leave. "Wait!"

Ryan turned around. "Yes?"

"I want chocolate caramel brownies! Please!" I gave him my puppy dog eyes and he just nodded with a slight smile. "Yay! You are the bestest ever!" I exclaimed like a 5 year old.

Ryan just shook his head and closed the bathroom door behind him.

Stripping out of my disgusting smelling (and looking) clothes, I peered at myself in the full length mirror behind the door. I stared at my weird eyes for a moment before turning to get into the tub. When I put my foot in, it sting because of the scolding water. But that is why I like hot water, it really cleanses you.

I eased into the tub and leaned back. The goop that was dried onto my arms was starting to lift off and float around. Ew!

---------45 minutes later---------
I had finally gotten the last of the egg out of my hair and was in my room just finishing putting on my shorts and tank top when dad's voice filtered through the pack bond.

'Everyone meet in the hall in 20 minutes,' he bellowed. Gosh, we need a volume control dial!

I sighed and linked Heather. 'Heat. Are you ready to head down?'

'Yeah. I guess. I was just taking a nap, but dad woke me up. I nearly shifted! Does he think that we are hard of hearing or something?!' Heat sounded frustrated. Wake her up from her sleep and she will be ready to rip your arms off. Seriously.

'Haha. Come on, Sleeping Beauty.'

I heard a growl before I closed off the connection. When I walked out of my room, I saw Heat dragging her feet down the hall. I just rolled my eyes at her back and walked around her. As I passed her she jumped onto my back.

"Umpf! What are you doing? Get off of me!" I yelled at her.

She whimpered and clung to my shoulders tighter. I knew she wasn't getting off any time soon so I just sighed and began heading to the hall.
Heather's POV

I heard Hel's door open and saw her walk past me. I quickly jumped onto her back, wrapping my arms and legs around her. I was too tired to walk all the way to the hall.

"Umpf! What are you doing? Get off of me!" she yelled at me. 'Oh come on', I thought to myself. 'I don't weigh that much. And besides, you are strong enough to carry me.'

I whimpered at her and tightened my hold on her shoulders. I was going to get my way eventually. Finally she gave in and continued to walk towards the hall.

Once we were outside of the hall, we could hear our dad growling in frustration. I jumped off of Helena's back and walked into the hall.

"Dad? What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned. Dad didn't answer me. He just continued with his pacing. Mom tried to get him to calm down but he seemed to be really worked up.

"Helena, Heather. Why don't you girls come sit up here. The rest of the pack will be here any minute." As soon as Hel and I stepped up onto the stage, the pack began to flood into the hall.

Once the last of the pack had been seated, our father started.

"Thank you all for coming. I have a couple of very important announcements to make, but first, I would like to say thank you all so much for being so loyal. It's really because of you that we are the largest, and strongest, pack in the US." Applause erupted from the crowd. Dad was right. Our pack had well over 3,000 pack members, and we were all able to fight really well.

"Now, I have to give the bad news." Some pack members looked around nervously. Mom and dad exchanged a look of guilt and worry that had my stomach dropping through the floor. I could feel the same happening to Helena. "I am sorry to say, that our future Alphas, Heather and Helena, will be traveling to England for a month to go over an agreement with the Silver Moon Pack. Their beta, Jason Heldon, and third in command, Riley Adams, will go with them. I brought you all here to say farewell to them all. Their flight will be leaving in 2 hours and they will need to go to the airport in a few minutes. Let us give them a proper send off."

The entire pack's thoughts filled our minds. We heard 'Good luck,' and 'Hope you have a good trip,' coming from everyone. Then they all lifted their heads up to the sky and let out howls. We howled back.

When the pack was leaving, our parents turned to us. Our mom was a little watery-eyed, whilst our dad just looked pissed. "Girls, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I just didn't want you to think about it too much. Your bags are packed up and in the limo. Please be safe, and please don't hold this against me. You need to go to England. Just trust me on that."

Hel and I looked at each other, and we knew that we would be okay so long as we had the other.

"Daddy. It's okay. We'll be fine." Hel said with a wide grin.

Mom and dad both kissed our cheeks and gave us hugs before we left the hall.

Outside, I saw Riley and Jason by the limo saying goodbye to their mates. They were lucky. They had found their mates when they turned 16. Hel and I have yet to find ours, but we can wait. Besides, we are apparently meant to share a mate. That doesn't sound pleasant at all!

Shaking the thought from my head, I look over to Hel. "Ready?" I asked giving her a shy smile. I reachedy hand out towards hers.

She looked at it, then to my eyes. "Definitely!" She grinned and took my hand. We walk to the limo and got in. Once our beta and third in command we in, the driver started towards the airport, where our private jet was waiting.

I better start working on my English accent!
Author's Note

Wow! That is the fastest I have ever written two chapters! Two days?!

Haha. Anyway, what did you think? Also, how do you feel about the girls going off and meeting 1D? Maybe? If you have any questions or comments, you know where to leave them!


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