Chapter 7

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Gosh! This week was awful. Okay, so that wasn't the complete truth. We sang and blocked a lot of the scenes and we even built our barricade. Oh and by the way, we're doing Les Miserables. So excited!!! I have a solo. Boo-yah!! Anyway, on to things you guys will actually care about. I have decided to wait until I have at least 12 reads on each chapter before I update. Or at least update once on the weekends. It'll depend on the week. Okay, okay. I can tell that this is boring.

On with the story!!!


Heather's POV

So this is what people mean when they say their heart is broken. Currently, I was laying on the empty beach, the frigid water lapping at my feet. I wanted to drown. Suddenly, I here a faint rumbling in the trees behind me.

'I hope it's a rouge. Then I won't have to feel anything anymore,' I thought to my wolf.

She was bouncing up and down though. 'MATE! He does love us!' Leah screamed.

'Yeah, right. Helena and Marcus probably forced him out here. I won't forgive him unless he truly deserves it,' this made Leah stop moving around and go quiet completely.

Marcio emerged from the trees on a motorcycle. When he saw me, he seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

'He is only here so Marcus and Helena don't kick his ass when he goes back,' I thought to myself.

"Hey..." he said awkwardly. I didn't reply. "Aw, come on! Did you ever think that maybe I didn't want a mate?! I was perfectly happy living the way I was. And then you came along and I fall in love! That doesn't exactly fit into my schedule!"

That bastard! He really just made this seem like it was my fault, did he?

"Okay, let's get one thing straight, shithead! I'm not the one who allowed some skank to get me off like that. Nor am I the one who saw their mate and acted like the piece of trash between my legs was what would make me happy forever! I am you fucking MATE! So you know what?! I will not forgive you! Not until you have shown that you deserve me! I know there isn't anything wrong with me! It's you!" And with that, I shifted and ran again.

I ran for about another 4 hours before I got back to the pack house. I snuck up to my room, grabbed my phone and a duffel bag. I stuffed the bag with as many clothes and other essentials as possible and threw on some shorts and a tank top. I plopped down on to my bed and unlocked my iPhone. I quickly bought a one-way plane ticket to Australia and looked around the room to see if I had forgotten anything. I decided to link Helena instead of disturbing her.

'Hel. I'm leaving. I'll explain when I come back, but know that I love you! Goodbye, sis.' I blocked her out of my mind and reinforced it several times so no one would be able to get in. Then, I jumped out the window and disappeared into the night.


So I know that this is really short, but I am stuck. Do you think:

A: When Heather comes back, she is totally changed and never forgives Marcio?

B: Same as before, but she excepts Marcio?

C: Let me use my secret weapon? It may make you hate me, or love me!!!

D: You: "Stop being lazy and come up with your own story line!" Me: "Okay okay! I pick..."

Hehe. I'm weird. I know XD

Oh and P.S.: Really excited about my next book!!! Characters anyone??

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