Chapter 6 saying goodbye

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Y/n pov
Everyone is asleep you got up slowly and grab the letter and start headed to the door you close it walk to Seras room she the only one who understand  you, you walk in her room seeing her in her coffin and Pip on his bad you walk toward her seras start to wake her she slowly open her eyes and see you standing there y/n why are you a wake something wrong no nothing wrong I need you come with me where ? At my aunt house what you know you can't do that my master will found out he won't trust me I just tell him I ran away you saw me you start  following me fine she said  you both walk out but you heard  pip voice  I'm coming with you guys you look at him okay hurry up he grab this guns just case there are vampire or ghouls he also grab his keys car  we walk out start headed to his car

Y/n pov Everyone is asleep you got up slowly and grab the letter and start headed to the door you close it walk to Seras room she the only one who understand  you, you walk in her room seeing her in her coffin and Pip on his bad you walk toward he...

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We both got in the jeep he start the engine we drive off so where are we going? My aunt house you said you told him were your aunt live are you sure master not going to kill me just relax Seras

Alucard pov 
I woke up getting a drink I grab my wine cup pulled  blood inside my cup I drank it I walk toward my mate checking she okay I look at her closer she not evening breathing I  grab the blanket  off of her i didn't  see her there only think I see stupid dawn pillow I growled  I throw my wine cup hitting the wall shutter  into pieces I ran out to check if she in policegirl  room but she not even there what the hell they went I mind link policegirl but she not answer me I growled I smell my mate scent but I have tell master First she only person can older me to get them I start headed to master room  I walk through the wall in her room I see her asleep I walked closer sudden a bullet went throw me 
Who are you State your name master its me alucard ? Why the bloody hell you in my room you now what time it's ? I know master but its about my mate what about her she gone also policegirl and pip what she yelled I mind know there she is master her aunt house I said your order is get them back here alucard we can't make her aunt see her or she tell her aunt everything I will do anything master I walk out master room and start following her scent I mind link her again hey master don't you dare hey me I know where are you guys I'm coming for you guys I growled

Seras pov
Oh shit I'm going to die oh y/n yes ? Master told me he know were we are he coming for us I turn around look at her

Y/n pov
She look at me waiting for my answer oh I don't know what to say Seras what he coming he pissed you left your room just relax he won't kill you just breath  in and breath out she did what I told her better you said better we here girls we got out i was going knock but seras stop me I knock first so I can use my power on you going do what she won't realize it's you and you can't tell about hellsing I won't I promise you move out the way she knock at your door she kept knocking harder we both heard coming the door open you see your auntie Emma standing there hi miss I'm y/n friend she look at seras she use her power on auntie Emma you don't mind we come in ? Course come in we walk in the house you look around this place still a same she didn't change it you guys following her in the kitchen sit down you guys want anything to drink no it's fine miss no just call me Emma miss feel old you didn't tell me your name ? My name Seras and this is my boyfriend pip and this is my friend Lucy  you guys set down on the chair so how did you guys meet my y/n ? We are close  friends oh she never told me any about friends we in her classroom she give me a letter if anything happen to her you give it to your auntie Emma she took it and look at the letter she read your name she open it it first word said you are reading this I'm gone I know auntie Emma you feeling  alone but I alway watch up the sky so I made this letter for you it a quote for you so please read it out loud so I can hear you she start  reading  it out loud

Y/n pov She look at me waiting for my answer oh I don't know what to say Seras what he coming he pissed you left your room just relax  he won't kill you just breath  in and breath out  she did what I told her better you said better we here girls w...

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And below said I am alway with you if you feeling a alone read this letter  love y/n
Tear fall down her cheeks I'm sorry I was not there to help you it's not your fault Emma  seras going to say something but you cut her off seras please make her see me you know I can't just show her my spirit she just nodded Emma can you look at me she  look at her  seras look at you she telling you she did it auntie Emma you said she look at you y/n ? It's me auntie Emma you smile she ran toward and hug you my y/n how are you here ? I heard you read the letter  you did you just nodded this letter saying a goodbye no please stay auntie Emma you have to lets me go I have to be free to see mommy and daddy you lied I just can't yes you can auntie if you don't lets me go I can't go to heaven you started to cry fine I lets you go will hurt me a lot seeing you here in front of me I know auntie Emma lets do this we both said our goodbye I act like I left her she start to cry thanks you guys for this letter you guys just nodded you guys got up and start headed to the door we said our last goodbye she start hugged you and you hugged back and left goodbye old Life you whisper you heard a growled you look at a pissed off alucard

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