Chapter Six

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Third-person p.o.v:
After Memphis was knocked unconscious from her head hitting the floor Claire got up from the bed.
"Hedwig said this room was built right, it wasn't always here. That means we can get out if we find a weak place." She said as they started looking around and knocking on the ceiling and walls.
"H-hey what are you guys doing in there?" Hedwig called.
"I found it," Claire said as she pushed the bed into the middle of the room and started pulling off pieces of the ceiling.
"Hey, Memphis. This isn't funny guys." Hedwig called as he started pounding on the door trying to get in as Casey and Marcia held the door shut.
"I got it!" Claire yelled as she pulled her self up into the vent that she ripped open. As soon as she got up the door was pushed open by Dennis who looked up and saw Claire go up then saw Memphis on the floor past out. He glared at the girls before shutting the door and rushing off to get Claire.
Claire had jumped down from the vents into a room between the pipes and took off running. She stopped when she saw some lockers and got into one.
"I know you are in there. Come out now. Just make it easier for yourself." Dennis said as she came out of the locker crying. "Look at your sweater it's filthy, take it off." He said as she took her sweater off crying before he led her to a new room and threw her in and locked the door.

Memphis p.o.v:
I woke up to the sound of a drill and I saw Dennis drilling a board to the ceiling.
"You won't see your friend again." He said as he got down as I looked around confused. I was on the bed even though I remember being on the floor. "How did I get on the bed?" I asked myself as I moved to a sitting position holding my head in pain.
"Obviously Dennis put you on the bed cause these assholes weren't going to help you especially after they knocked you unconscious," Amber said as I watched every one.
"Give me your skirt and sweaters, they are dirty," Dennis said as they gave him the clothes. "You to Memphis." He said as I stood up and took off my blue sweater to reveal my black X-Men shirt underneath. He looked at my shirt with a small smile as he took my sweater and left the room.
"What happened?" I asked Marcia and Casey.
"Claire got out after you passed out and he got her. That's all we know." Marcia said as I laid back down.
"Fantastic," I mumbled as I rubbed my head in pain.
"What are you doing?" Casey asked me.
"Going back to sleep my head hurts," I said as I rolled over.
"What if we need you?" Marcia asked.
"You didn't need me earlier," I said with a scoff as Amber chuckled.

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