Chapter Eleven

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I waited in Dennis' room pacing as I didn't know what was happening, although I assumed he overpowered Casey and sent her back to her room. As I paced I didn't know he had entered the room until he touched my shoulder and I jumped in surprise.

"It's just me." He said as I calmed down.

"So what happens now?" I asked him. 

"I will prepare for the beast. When he comes he will accept you. Until then you are welcome to explore. Just don't go too far I don't want you to get lost down here. When everything is done we can all be happy." He told me as he stroked my face and I looked up at him.

"ok," I say as he moved and started to prepare things and I walked around and found the living room. I heard a ringing sound and Dennis came out of his room.

"I'm going to see who that is. You can stay here." He told me as he left. I tidied up the room when Dennis came back but with him an older woman. She looked surprised to see me.

"You're one of the missing girls. Dennis did you take her. What about the others?" The lady asked.

"Dr. Fletcher, please. She is different. I haven't hurt her." Dennis defended as I nodded in agreement. She looked hesitant but sat down and I sat across from her.

"What is your name dear." She asked.

"I'm Memphis," I told her as Dennis sat next to me.

"And how are you different?" She asked and I brought my hands to my lap.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Amber sassed.

"I have another personality," I told her nervously as Dennis took one of my hands into his and rubbed the back of it to soothe me as the doctor watched.

"And does this personality have another name?" She asked.

"Her name is Amber," I told her as I looked at her fully.

"I see. Maybe you can become one of my patients as well. We could discuss how she came about." Dr. Fletcher said as I started to breathe slightly heavier thinking of my past.

"I wouldn't Dr. Fletcher. She isn't ready for that." Dennis told her as he rubbed my back comfortingly making me calm down slightly.

"Of course. Then we could talk tomorrow then Dennis and if she changes her mind you can bring Memphis along." Dr. Fletcher said as she stood up.

"Really?" Dennis asked surprised.

"Yes of course. Um if you don't mind can I use your bathroom?" She asked nervously.

"It's down the hall near the stairs on your left," Dennis told her and she thanked him and left the room.

"She is up to something," I told him.

"Hell yeah, she is," Amber spoke.

"I'll check it out," Dennis told me as he followed her. I heard a struggle then Dennis came back into the room and laid the doctor on the couch dead.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She tried to let the others out." He told me as I nodded. "I'm going out to prepare. Please stay here." He told me as he left. I leaned back against my chair and spoke to Amber.

"Amber I think you are going to need to come out now," I told her.

"Finally. Don't worry Memphis I will protect you." She said as I switched places with her letting her take the light.

Amber's POV:

"It is good to be out again," I said as I stood cracking and popping my joints. I walked to the hallway where the girls Marcia and Claire where and one of the doors opened to reveal Marcia. 

"Memphis thank god. We can leave, now. Where is he?" She asked panicked.

"Sorry, Memphis has given up the rights of control for the time being," I told her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked worriedly.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Amber. The pleasure is all yours I expect." I told her with a smirk.

"Marcia what's happening!" Claire called from the room she was in making me roll my eyes. I felt a presence and grinned widely. 

"Hello. You must be the Beast Dennis mentioned. I'm Amber Sorry but Memphis is unexposed at the moment." I said as the girl looked at me like I was crazy which I probably am. I moved out of the way and let him push the girl back into the small room and attack. I stood watching with a crazy grin on my face. "This is going to be fun." 

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