Chapter 8: Likewise

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By sunrise, both the Protector and I were dressed and had left the makeshift camp to make our way to to the surface. The worries that I had shoved away came rushing back with every step I took, knowing that I would have to face them in a matter of hours. I tried to think of other things, such as Syren carving on her spear, but the uneasiness I felt had settled in the pit of my stomach and couldn't be ignored for long.

We headed in the same direction Syren had previously explored, gathering a few more berries for breakfast as we passed. Truth be told, I would miss the sweet taste of fresh fruits the minute I go back to eating the porridge. Maybe I should save a berry and plant it somewhere in the Base.

"There is a hill a few miles ahead. It's steep, but it's manageable to climb if we're careful."

As soon as Syren finished her sentence, I tripped over a rock. Once again, she caught me before I could hurt myself. The Protector laughed and I turned a bright shade of red. Stupid unstable ground.

"That's twice now." Syren quipped, letting go of my arm.

"I'm aware thank you." I retorted.

When she didn't reply, we continued walking in silence. The sun had barely risen over the precipice behind us, casting many shadows on the rocky shore.

Squinting towards the horizon, I could barely make out a dip between the river and the cliffs.

"Where does the hill lead?" I asked, watching Syren as the morning rays danced on her skin and illuminated her hair. I should be used to it by now, but her ethereal beauty never failed to take my breath away.

The uneasiness I felt drifted away, and was replaced by a combination of emotions that I didn't recognise. Shaking it off, I focused back in on the conversation when Syren answered.

"I didn't climb it but I'm pretty sure it leads just outside the nearest city ruins."

Remembering the last Venture Day, a question passed my lips before I had the chance to register it.

"Why were you there? That day in the apartment block."

"I had heard a myth that your kind sometimes leaves the woods to go back to where your ancestors lived." Syren shrugged, looking at me. "I was curious to see if the myth was true, then I met you."

"And ever since that day, your life has become infinitely better." I teased, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Certainly more interesting anyway." She smiled as we grew closer and closer to the hill. It was steep, like Syren had said, but from a distance it looked manageable. Oh how wrong I was.

Once we made it to the bottom of the large mound, I noticed immediately that it was going to be difficult not to fall flat on my face, as the hill was made of loose rock and some patches of grass.

Syren appeared to be amused by my sudden expression of self doubt.

"I'll catch you before you fall." She assured me but I didn't trust the smirk on her face. Not one bit.

"Mhm." I hummed as we began our ascent to the surface.

Trying to distract myself from the thought of tripping for the third time, I started to wonder just how many rumours and legends were there about us.

"There seems to be a lot of mystery surrounding us humans in the forest." I mused, voicing my thoughts.

"The mystery pretty much vanished once you escaped from Zyire that day. Most of the kingdom was in the main square when you dashed through it."

I laughed lightly as I remembered the reaction I had received, it all made sense now. Syren smiled at my outburst, running the hand that wasn't holding the spear through her hair. "What a commotion I must've caused."

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