Chapter 18: Oath

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I couldn't fall asleep for hours that night as my mind kept replaying what happened the day before. From saving Syren all the way to last night's confession, my mind felt as if it was on overdrive. I tried shutting it all out but somehow it always managed to find a way in again.

Eventually I just gave up and gazed at Syren's sleeping form. The moonlight that poured through the window opposite the bed gave Syren an ethereal glow and I simply stared, basking in all her beauty.

I was still awake when the sun rose over the city, illuminating everything in its path.

Syren had started to stirr when I made circular motions with my thumb on her skin.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I murmured in her ear as I felt her slowly regain consciousness.

I wanted to laugh at how adorable she was when she looked up at me with a dazed expression. I had never seen this side of Syren before and I smiled down at her.

Syren suddenly seemed to remember where she was and her lips parted in a lopsided smile. This was the happiest I had ever seen her.

"Why are you so cheerful?" I asked as she sat up, unaware that she was sitting on my stomach as the bed was too small for her to sit anywhere else. I wasn't complaining though.

It seemed impossible for Syren's smile to grow but somehow it did. "Because you're here with me."

I swear my body stopped functioning except for the grin that appeared on my face which I had no control over. Smirking, Syren leaned into me and pressed her forehead against mine. Cupping my cheeks after placing a kiss on either one, she sighed. "I wish I could stay like this forever." Her voice was so quiet, I wasn't sure if I heard her correctly.

My body had a mind of its own and my hands lifted up to join hers. "Me too."

"You still have blood on your hands." Syren commented. I looked to see she was absolutely right. Gross.


The Commander laughed, climbed off of me and went into the adjoining room which I wasn't aware of. I instantly missed the contact as I sat up, suddenly wishing I could rewind time. She came back a minute later with a towel and a bowl filled with water. "Here, let me do it for you."

Her touch was so light and soft, I became addicted to it. The sun that shone through the window cast a warmer glow on her than the moon did. Her usual pale hair that was almost transparent turned a silver blonde and her skin once again sparkled like diamond. So help me if I was questioning loving this monster last night, I wasn't far off it. Looking at her now as her beautiful face concentrated on washing my hands and seemingly oblivious to me staring, it felt as if I already did.

"This is so disgusting." I mumbled in attempt to distract myself and I looked down to see the dried blood staining the water red. Syren chuckled and the sound was like music to my ears. Before I could stop myself, I leaned in slightly closer to her. "And I was holding you, how are you not grossed out?"

"Blood doesn't bother me as much as you." She replied, looking at me with those silver eyes of hers. She looked so warm and inviting.

"I'm not bothered by blood exactly," I could feel the anger build up inside of me, destroying all the warmth I felt. "Just the scum it came from."

"I'm going to break his limbs then hold him in a fire pit." Syren's face held a dark look, one I had never seen before. Her usual silver eyes turned as hard as steel. "Let's see how he likes it."

To Be Human (Lesbian Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin