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Dear Clara,

In my last letter I told you of my new friend Hannah. A awful guard came into my class and asked for Hannah he was planning on taking her away to a work camp. My brave teacher told him he had no such student the guard then asked for passports. Before the guard could get ahold of Hannah's passport I erased her name out and replaced it with the name Sarah Greater the guard belived it! Now Hannah is staying with us since the guard had already taken her parents away. At school I am consitered a hero, Hannah still goes to school with me and keeps her fake passport. My mother is going to take her to the city hall and see if she can get a new passport I hope so! Hannah came from Denmark along with her family so Father says that is why the guards came asking for her. Mother says to treat Hannah like she's my cousin and that she will pretend Hannah is her niece. I must leave now we're going to get Hannah a new passport.


"Darling hurry up, I don't want to be late." my mother was calling me from the kitchen. I ran down the stairs in a hurry. Hannah was already down the stairs buttoning her coat.

We got up to the City Hall and asked one of the emploies if they new where we could update a passport. The man asked if we where Jewish, naturally my mother said yes the man looked at us in discust.

"Then you will keep the passport you have and leave this place." my mother was highly ofended but just got up and lead us outside.

"Sorry Hannah, but you'll have to keep that passport." my Mother looked very dissipointed. 

"It's okay Mrs. Baker I understand just say you're my Aunt it will be fine." Hannah was also dissipointed.

That night after dinner my parents started to argue about random things. I could hear them yelling and my Mother must have knocked something over because I heard a loud crash.

"Gorge I just think... time's running out and we... we need to go somewhere this place is not safe anymore." 

"Elisa I know, do you remember Peter Hausser?" 

"Yes but what-"

"Peter and I have arranged a hiding place for us to stay in, me, you and the children."

"What about Hannah? Where will she go?"

"Hannah is part of the family now Elisa, we shall treat her as our own daughter." I looked beside me and saw Hannah sitting beside me on the steps listening to my parents conversation. 

The next day my dad told us to pack colthing and other esentails he didn't tell us why just that we needed to pack.

"Letty can I borow some dresses I have barley anything since I came here." I handed Hannah a dress and some stockings.

"Thanks." Hannah packed the dress in her bag.

"Girls we must leave soon we're going to stop by Hannah's house so she can get some of her things." I started to pack faster so we could get to Hannah's house I really wanted to see it after all that's happened.


We walked down the streats it was very early at six thirty and there wasn't as many guards out. We came up to a small red bricked house numbered fifty Hannah ran up to it and reached under the door mat for a key. She opened the door and ran up to her room I looked around most of the furniture and decorations where gone I saw a family picture of Hannah and her family hanging on the wall it was quite large.

Hannah came down with a small bag and looked very large.

"Hannah what are you doing you look so fat!" I started to laugh.

"I've put on almost all of my clothes and my bag is full of other things." my Father told me I should do the same I followed his orders. We left the small brick house and walked into a large Bakery.

"Father what are we doing here? This is a-"

"Bakery I know Kleine we will be hiding in the attic of this bakery. Mr. Hausser's brother owns this shop he and Mr. Hausser have made us a suitable hiding place." I sighed.

"It's just until the war is over Kleine I promise." my Father kissed me on the head and lead us into the bakery. Mr. Hausser and his brother were there to great us. 

"Gorge! Welcome I've set some buns and other pasteries upstairs for you and your family I hope you will be comfortable." my Father shook Mr. Hausser's hand and thanked him. We walked into a small room with washroom in the cornner, five beds, a kitchen nook and a sofa. There was no door on for the bathroom just a curtain and there was only small shevels for storage space. 

"Papa this is so small and we have no privacy!" I was quite angry at my parents for dragging me to this small open space.

"I know Kleine but Mr. Hausser will bring us food and we wouldn't have to worry about the Nazi's anymore. There is only one rule we must be silent at from the hours of nine o'clock until five that is when costermers will be in the bakeryand we won't want to be found by them." being silent would be hard but now just living would be hard.

Dear ClaraOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora