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Dear Clara,

I am writing to you in my head since the line to separation is quite long. I am here with Madison's twin brother Shane we are boyfriend and girlfriend now I think he has kissed me couple times so I think it's official. The boys and girls have been separated and now they are doing a finnier separation. I already miss Shane he is so sweet to me and he's my first kiss. His last words were I will survive and so will you. I have promised you and now Shane that I will survive I really will try and am determined to live. I will put my letter to you on a flat surface soon but right now I'm getting closer to the front so I must stop.


The cold spring air was stinging my face and hands. We had been standing in the line for about half an hour and the camp already scared me. The SS guards had German Shepard's armed at their sides these vicious dogs would snarl and lung at you at any moment and I just wanted to be separated and leave. Mama held Anna's little hand and told her that everything would be fine and that the dogs were just hungry. I saw a guard eye my Mother and made a beeline for her and Anna my hands grew sweaty and my heart was going a million miles a second.

"You lady with the baby come here." Mama did as she was told and went to the guard. He pulled her into a large crowd with lots of people. I saw my Mother crying as the guard spoke to her softly motioning to Anna a couple times.

"Marie what is that guard doing?" Marie looked at me then Mama and the guard, her eyes lit up.

"Letty you know about the letters I've been getting from a secret admirer?" I nodded and waited for her to go on.

"Well that guard is him, he won't hurt Mama or Anna he will save them don't worry."

"What's his name?"

"Caspar his name is Caspar Jagger he does not want to be a SS but his family needs money and he is going against the law by dating a Jewish girl he knows Mama from pictures in my office and is only going to help." Marie took me by the shoulders and came down to my level.

"Violet I want you to look as healthy as possible, smile, do as told and don't listen to the nasty things the guards say to you okay." I nodded and Marie gave me a hug. I looked over and saw Caspar take Anna and Mama came to join us in line she was in tears.

"He will give us back Anna after the war, Marie please tell me you know that man and I did not just give my baby to a lying heartless pig."

"Yes Mother that is Caspar a friend of mine he will not hurt Anna just get her to safety." Marie comforted Mama and told her to look her best when she was called to inspection. I was first to be looked at if I did as Marie told me to and smiled pretty for the man checking me.

"Age?" the guard asked me. Marie whispered the number sixteen and that is what I said. The guard told me to go to the right I did as told and Mama and Marie were also told to go to the right.

We were told to go shower and take off all our jewelry. I knew we wouldn't get the jewelry back so I took my necklace off and put in under my tongue to keep it hidden. We got showered in freezing cold water and got tattoos of numbers on our arms. All hair was shaven off our cold wet bodies and we were given a work dress as our clothing. I was scared for my Father and Shane so I asked a female SS guard where they were.

"You see that smoke coming out of the chimney?" I looked over to see a brick building with smoke coming out of the top.


"That is where your family is." she pushed me forwards and yelled schnell in my ear. I saw a lady yelling at a SS guard demanding where her children had been taken.

"Where did that God awful truck take my children?" the lady was screaming at the guard.

"You really want to know the truck took your weak little children to the showers to be washed."

"Liar!" a few more women joined in. A different guard stepped in and told the women that they would never see their children again, the children had been killed.

"You lying, evil, heartless-" Mama covered my ears so I didn't need to hear the rest. But I did see the lady be shot down by the one guard and two more after that. The guard yelled something at me but Mama had my life put on mute so I couldn't hear what she was saying. All I saw was the guard point her gun at me and Mama my life had sound again and Mama started to push me forwards.

"Move it filthy criminals!" A intimidating guard barked at all of us.

"What crime have we committed officer to be labeled as criminals?" a poor gaunt weak lady questioned the tall scary guard.

"You were born, now march!" the guard hit the lady in the back of the head with her gun and kicked her forwards. The women fell to the ground and the guard kept kicking her.

"Up you piece of trash! If you can't handle this I should just shoot you now!" the woman tried to answer but only coughed up blood, she was dead in a second. The words schnell was yelled into my ears I didn't know how many times. My necklace was still counseled under my tongue I walked pass mountains of dead bonny bodies. 

:Mama." I manged to let out a whisper.

"Don't talk just keep walking Violet." Mama was pushing me passed hundreds of dead murdered innocent people. 

We marched into a crowded barrack with platforms for beds. The beds were already filled up to the maximum so I went to the back hoping for a empty bed, there was none.

"Mama, where are we going to sleep?"

"On the platforms Kleine." I felt tears in my eyes when I heard my nickname Papa had given me. We finally found a platform with only two other people on it. I took the necklace out of my mouth and draped it around my neck. I slid it under my gown hoping that no one would see it and used a sharp rock to carve my letter to Clara into my spot on the platform.

"Letty you must sleep, you will need your strength." Mama ordered. I followed her order and fell asleep.

Dear ClaraWhere stories live. Discover now