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Dear Clara,

Our new life has dragged on by the days New Years is coming up and 1942 is vastly around the corner. I hope to God that this is the year is the end I really don't like this war. Once it's over I will dance and sing, I go out to fancy restaurants and eat until I'm sick! All I want to do is have a normal life again it's not fair that we are treated like this and for what crime, for being Jewish. I want to celebrate Hanuka in peace and be able to have my own room again. Now the temperatures are dropping so is my Mother's patients. She will nag you about anything now. Yesterday I didn't put my plate away she went on and on about how we must be on schedule no mistakes! I don't want a schedule I don't mean to make mistakes why won't she listen, now it's survival of the fittest. Father can't light a fire because of the smoke but we do have a fire oven we can light. The only thing keeping us warm is our clothes and our blankets. I must leave now or else Mother will nag me for writing to long.


"Violet come down for dinner please." my Father was cautious with the volume of his voice even though it was after hours he didn't want any surprises.

I creeped down the ladder from my room into the main room. Mother had made porridge and a pot of varying vegetables also known as scraps.

"Mother must we eat scraps like rodents!" Marie was also moody from the temperature.

"Listen here young lady, there are starving children Anna's age eating dirt in those dreadful camps! Know you will eat your dinner say your prayers and hope to God we don't end up there!"my Mother banged her hand on the table and slapped a spoonful of vegetables on Marie's plate.

"Elisa please don't shout." Papa used his calm quiet voice when talking to Mama, especially now.

"I'm sorry Mama, I'm ashamed of my words." Marie quietly ate the whole table was quiet. Until my Father broke the silence.


"Why what George?" Mama gave him a look of inpatients.

"Why must we fight? Why must we hide?"

"To live George, to live!" Mama grabbed her plate and rinsed it off. My Father sat at the table all night mumbling the words why over and over. 

It was now Sunday morning that meant Mr. Hausser would be coming up with the weekly news. I loved Mr. Hausser he was very funny and always brought me gifts, they were small but at least they passed the time.

"Good morning Bakers!" the radiant Mr. Hausser stepped into the room. Papa was still sitting at the table mumbling Marie and Mother were fighting, Anna was crying while Hannah tried to calm her, it was crazy.

"Good morning Mr. Hausser." I walked over to Mr. Hausser and shook his hand.

"What's going on here Letty?" 

"A combination of being cooped up and cold weather." I rolled my eyes, Mr. Hausser let out a hearty laugh. Marie heard it and ran over to Mr. Hausser.

"Mr. Hausser I didn't hear you come in!" Marie tried to get everyone else attention. After about a minute the chaos stopped and attention was turned to Mr. Hausser.

"Oh Mr. Hausser please excuse us, we haven't quite been ourselves lately." Mama's cheeks turned red and I tried not to laugh.

"It's okay Mrs. Baker, I understand. I have letters from some friends and here are the weekly newspapers." Mr. Hausser placed a pile of letters and newspapers on the table in front of Papa.

"George old friend, have you fallen ill?" Papa was still mumbling Mr. Hausser looked very concerned for his friend.

"I do not have a clue of what is wrong with him Don he's been like this all night and all day." Mama took my Fathers head in her hands and examined his face.

"George! George!" Mama stopped yelling looked up put her hands together in a praying position, and out of no where slapped Papa.

"Ow! Elisa what is wrong with you!" Mama hugged Papa. All the anger in his face drained as Mama threw her arms around him. Their affection lasted for only a moment since she realized they weren't alone, she released Papa and straightened her apron.

"Don are you and the family on for dinner tonight?" Papa changed to topic almost instantly.

"No, I'm afraid not the wife is scared it's to dangerous and the children. No sorry Geo." Mr. Hausser face fell glum.

"It's okay I understand, in a parents eyes your family always comes first." Mr. Hausser then headed for the door and dropped a letter beside him as he left. Marie went for it and picked it up she then ran upstairs onto the loft. I stepped on the first step of the ladder then Mama called me over to peel potatoes! I had to obey her wishes.

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