Never Seen

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The next day I went back to the Room to look for Daniel. I scanned the left side of the Room. Angels were giving me weird stares from the side. He wasn't there. 

While I waited for him, I played bouncer against Garry. He is my adopted brother. Garry became a demon, at the age of six, when my mom turned him. If my mom didn't save him, he would've died from cancer. So Garry faked a death, and became my 'brother'. Of course I won bouncer, my skilled powers are no match for his weak powers. Garry wrestled me after he lost. Easier then ever, I won again. Daniel still hasn't come.

My mind settled on something more important than Daniel: defeating Garry in a fight. I balled up my hands and gave Garry a black eye, which disappeared within seconds. I deadlegged him, as he recovered from the kick, I gave him another punch to the stomach. Garry winced and fell to his left knee, but quickly recovered. Without dodging his blow, I got a black eye. The pain started at my eye, then ran threw my head and down my spine. Finally the throb in my eye disappeared. One of the perks of being immortal is demons can't get hurt by other demons or marcals. Angels also can't get hurt by other angels or marcals. Only angels can kill demons by stabbing us in the neck with their crystal sabers. The only way to kill an angel is for demons to stab their neck with our crystal sabers. Demons get their sabers at 21. After we get our sabers, we go to demon school to learn how to be... well... demons.

My eyes focused on Garry who snarled at me. I did the same to him before punching his face. The angels, that were across the room from us, stared very scaredly at me and Garry. It was kind of funny. Their bright blue eyes brought light to my soul. I shivered. Fighting Garry was getting kind of boring, so I starred back at them. The world spun black, then images appeared infront of me. Memories. They were memories of one of the angel that I starred at. 

A young boy, around the age of seven was skipping towards a taller, muscular boy. They looked almost identical. The scenery was a small room with one window and two doors. A small table was in the right back corner. Bunches of different kinds of food lay across the table bringing out the that it was the only color in the room. Another young boy peeked in through a loose peice of wood in the ground. Both of the boys on top gave the boy some food, and he left. The young boy who stood on top looked identical to the one who was under the floor. The memory faded, and the Room appeared infront of me.

"Get out of my head!" The angel held.

The image I had seen did vanished from  my sight, but not my mind.  Now the angel starred at me, eyes wide. He had a short nose, brown skin, baby blue eyes, chubby cheeks, and short black hair. I glared at him, then laughed.

"Was that your brother or your..." He yelled out to interior me, "Please... Please don't say it!"

"It comes at a price ya'know!" I yelled back, while twisting my black hair around in my fingers.

His breaths got shorter. He stood up, and walked to the line separating to the middle section of demons and angels in the Room. Quickly, I ran up and stopped him before passing the line to actually get to the demon side.

"Sorry, but if you pass this line... well I doubt you'd make it a second. We fight eachother on this side. Got it?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"I am not going to pass the line, madam... but please, tell me your bargain, and I will see to it."

"Where is Daniel?"

"That is classified."

"Wasn't that dream also supposed to be classified?"

"Okay, the angel officials locked him in a cell for torture in the chambers."

I gasped. My hands balled into fist. 

"Do you like him?" The angel asked, with wide eyes.

"No, of course not. I have a boyfriend anyways, he's over there, see with the glasses," pointing at one of my best friends I've known since first grade. His name is Hayden. He has medium long blonde hair, with hazel eyes and tan skin.

The angel squinted, and went to sit down again, in his chair. I gulped down what felt like anger. Angels?, I thought, their too nice to hurt a fly, more less a person. Nothing was fitting together. Either the angel lied to me, or something fishy is going on. Late afternoon yesterday I met up with Daniel. He said he told no one else besides me that he's in love with me. I'm just going to go with the thought that Daniel did something else.

Then it hit me.

Daniel also said he wanted to be a demon just like me. I didn't care to think he would actually change himself for me. When you turn from an angel to a demon, it's usually done in the torture chambers underground. The process is very painful, and grossom. First they drain your body of all your angel blood. The person usually looks like a white raison. Second the angel offocials fill the angels body with this black liquid that turns into demon blood over time. Third they beat you until the black liquid turns into blood and takes over the body. During the liquid to blood transfer, the blood is so evil at the beginning that the now demon usually kills the first official in sight. Finally fourth, the now demon goes through a test to see if the blood transferred to the brain correctly. If the blood didn't transfer to the brain correctly the cycle is restarted, but a new demon brain is also transferred into the body. From demon to angel is way different though.

The thought of Daniel becoming something like me, and going through the process made me have the chills. Knowing my knowledge on the process, the angel officials will wait four days to do the process. Until then I have to find a way to get in there and stop them. Why am I trying to save an angel? I barely know the guy, yet something inside me was urging me to follow Daniel and stop him.

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