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"Marry, how much longer?" I groaned threw cracked lips. My stomach felt empty. Maybe because it was, or was not; I can not remember anymore. The small round circle in my head (brain?) hurt. My two index fingers pressed to my temples. It is hard to think. Something warm touched the long object on my side (arm?). Words are leaving my brain. AAAAAAAA! Fire! The heat started in my "arm?" and reached my "shoulder?." Something pricked the skin beneath my head. The prick felt small and quick. The burning stopped. I relaxed.

"Diana!" A person yelled as something splashed my face. The liqued felt cold. My eyes opened to reveal four worried faces looking at me. I jumped at the sight of them.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked lifting my head with his right hand. I can't really remember what happened for the past few minutes. "What happened?" I pressed my temples with the palms of my hands.

"After you asked Marry how long it would take, you passed out. Then..." Kyle paused and gulped, "... you started to speak in a low pitched voice. Your eyes, they turned red. I don't wanna explain the rest, so just look threw my memories again." His words surprised me. I did what he said though.

The world around me disappeared, and new images from the past appeared. Kyle is in the corner sharpening a knife. Over my shoulder I saw Diana, me, twirling an apple on her, my, knuckles. "Marry how much longer?" Diana asked. Marry didn't respond because when she turned to tell Diana how much longer she, I, fainted. Diana is twitching on the ground. Foam bubbles are fizzing out of her, my, mouth. The foaming stopped. Daniel is now running toward my body. The eyes of the body opened; they are bright red. It scarred me. I jumped a little knocking into a tree behind me.

"Finally!" Diana yelled in a low voice, "It's working!"

Daniel tried punching Diana's face but she was too quick. Diana grabbed Daniel's fists, and with all her might threw him into a tree. Daniel winced in pain as he pulled himself from the tree trunk. Daniel pulled out a knife and aimed perfectly for Diana's left arm. She groaned while pulling the iron knife our slowly. The wound quickly healed. The tree Daniel was in creaked as Diana threw the knife into Daniel's neck. Blood poured all over his clothes. Kyle pulled the knife because Robert was scarred to death while Marry was taking something out of her bag.

"Listen up before another one of you get hurt!" Diana yelled, "I can't stay in her body forever, so I'm gonna say this only once! If you don't bring Diana to me within thirty-six hours, I will kill every person y'all hold dearly! Meet me at the demon academy in the Monster Fighting Classroom. Bye." Diana's body fell limp onto the floor still twitching with smoke puffing out of her ears. Everything stopped: the twitching and the smoke, the red eyes. Marry ran to the body with a huge needle and bottle. She stabbed the needle into my neck as my eyes opened to their normal brown color.

I closed my eyes to leave Kyle's memory. It hurts knowing the truth. Before I knew what actually happened, it only felt like ten seconds that I blacked out for. I guess not.

Daniel is now leaning on tree stump near my bag. His eye are held on mine, as tears unexpectedly fell down my face. I felt a tear in my heart as Daniel rubbed his neck and swallowed a lump of nerves. I feel guilty. Like, really guilty.

"Diana it's not your fault," Daniel said through breaths. You can here his breathing from a mile away.

"Yeah Diana," Marry explained, "We won't let ya' go to that demon academy 'till our names our cleared, and when we're ready to fight."

I don't want to answer.

"If you leave within thirty-six hours to go, I will never forgive you," Robert hugged me. He is warm and very muscular. I could that he is tense, probably from nervousness.

Finally, I spoke, "I didn't know monsters can take over people.?"

"They can't," Daniel answered quickly.


"Yeah, that must have been a demon, or angel that's got some issues with you."

"You can only take over a person if their in the same bloodline as you, right?"

"Right!" Marry interfferred. It made me jump when she answered.

"The last person known to have those powers was Hades, actually," Daniel said while gulping again. Marry rolled her eyes and walked off.

"It was him!"

"It could've been Zues, or your mom or dad?"

"No, not Zeus. My actually loves me. And, my dad... well... he... I don't even know if is living or not. He was taken away by Zeus when I was only a baby. So... yeah."

Daniel thought on this when light came pouring in from every direction. It came from nowhere. I quickly shielded my eyes from the bright light. As fast as it came is as fast as it left, but there is now a person in the middle of all of my friends. Yes, I said "friends."

The person lifted its hood. Why? In all dramatic movies, the villain has a hood, so why? It is a she. She has dark hair that is the same color as Daniel's. The top of her head reached my shoulders, and that's saying something considering I'm only 6'2. Her face is puffy and long like Daniel's, but she had blue eyes that are dull and lifeless.

"Daniel!" The girl yelled. Daniel ran in to hug the girl. This made me jealous for some odd reason. STOP IT!

"Who are you?!" I shouted. This isn't possible! I ain't jealous! STOP!

"This is my sister, Tina," Daniel said hugging her again. I almost passed out.

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