Death's End

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After returning to the marcal world, we rode the train to Alabama, and went to a demon only world with a magical demon portal. Adaline complained the entire time- for Zeus's sake- someone needed to shut her up. He would definitely kill her now.

Daniel payed for our lunch, at "D and A Diner." I had an entire pig, while Adaline ate a tiny chicken finger kids meal-that's what she deserves! Daniel didn't talk while we ate. For hours he didn't talk. Why are all my friends depressed or dead!? Why?!

"We need to get going," Daniel muttered under his breath.

"I'm done with my friends cutting me out of their life, so they can go be depressed alone! Please stop it!" I screamed. Everyone in the diner starred at me with wings lifted with curiosity.

"Look, we'll talk in a private area, where no one can hear. Okay?" Daniel replied. He stood up to hold my shoulder (his hand was cold compared to my heated skin). I looked into his green eyes... they were teary! He then grabbed my hand, and pulled me out of the diner. Adaline followed with a grin on her face. His grip tightened on my wrist as we walked into the woods, to a field, to large tree. I hate large trees, nothing good ever happens around 'em.

Daniel turned to me with even more tears in his eyes then before. "I'm sorry!" He cried, "I'm just... I'm just, I need help. I can't deal with it anymore! Please."

"I can't help you if I don't know what's goin' on!" I said back. Adaline gasped. Her eyes widened, but I realized-she wasn't looking at Daniel! Back, beyond all of the trees, and shrubs, and any other green plant, I smelled it too. The stench of a mass murderer. The stench of a horrible demon figure. All that I could see was two tiny red dots floating above some leaves. A yellow orb started floating towards us. My heart pounded out of my entire body.

Daniel held my other hand in his hand. He was shaking so much, it was like his entire body came out of ice water. "I'm sorry," he said again. Adaline started to kick his head, when he grabbed her foot, and slammed her hard onto the ground. That distraction gave me time to punch his... he grabbed my hand again with such speed that it scared me. How did he know my move? Tears poured out of his eyes now. He started to drag me toward the two red dots in the distance.

"Daniel!" I yelled, "Daniel! Daniel, please listen to me! Stop! Stop this! Please."

He did stop, only to hug me. His chin rested on my head making me feel really short. He kept repeating that he was sorry. We pulled away from the hug together. Daniel started to walk to the red dots again. A bush whistled at us in the wind. Marry. She smiled at me.

"You finally have the guts to do it, huh?" She laughed at Daniel. He scowled. I wanted to look through Daniel's mind, but he must've drank a liquer bottle of Mind Block years ago. I hate that liquer. Marry ran toward us with potions of all sorts ready to throw at Daniel. Daniel let go of me to fight Marry. I ran. I ran as fast as I could, then I flew. I flew high into the air so I couldn't be found, and so I could think over the past few minutes. It hit me like a baseball. Daniel can see into the future. He lied. He lied about not having special powers! He's dead. His damned body is dead! I will rip him into peices before I slaughter him with the angel crystal. No tears for his betrayal. I never did and never will like Daniel.

I dived down for Daniel, when something hit my shoulder hard enough for me to become dizzy. It was a demon crystal lodged into my shoulder thrown from the direction of the two red dots. My vision blurred, but I wouldn't give up that easily.

"Diana don't!" I heard a voice yell before I changed direction, and dived for the two red dots. I realized it was Adaline's voice, but I don't care who the hell voice it was. I only care about killing whoever threw this crystal. The red dots were turning darker- blacker- as I got closer. Hades. He was starring right at me. His smile made me fall straight down in front of him. My forehead touched his big toe.

"Hello, Grandfather," I sharply said.

"Hello, Granddaughter," he mocked, "How's your day been?"

"I don't not yet. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on."

"I can sum it all up for you. If you promise not to fight me while I say it, or after I say it."

I contemplated on his words. Then answered, "Promise."

His grin widened as he looked into the distance behind me. I sat up on my butt, and looked at his gaze. It was Daniel dragging Marry and Adaline by the foot toward us. He had the most depressed face on.

"Good job, my boy," Hades praised Daniel. I never promised I wouldn't attack Daniel. I knew he doesn't have any other special talents besides future seeing, so I flung thousands of fire balls at him. He dodged them all! How?!

"Please, Diana! Stop!" He pleaded.

"Why should I, when my friends are knocked unconscious by you!" I growled.

"Diana!" Hades yelled. The entire forest rumbled at his voice.

"Ye-e-es, si-r-r?" My voice trembled.

"You either listen to me, or I tell you nothing. Now stop fighting with your brother!" Hades yelled. I looked at Hades. I looked at Daniel. He had a dad expression on his face again-not that it ever left.

"Diana, I can explai..." I interrupted, "Don't talk to me!"

"Can I continue?" Hades purred.

I sat back down onto my butt, and looked at Hades like a four-year-old. I hate it because Daniel did the same thing, right beside me. I bit my tongue and readied myself for a long talk.

"Diana, when you were born, Zeus took your dad away thinking it would be best for him to remarry an angel. Which he did do, and that is why Daniel is your brother." I bit my tongue harder. "Since you're my granddaughter, I will bend a few rules and let you see your dad." He handed me the yellow orb. I remember the orb from the dream on the train. I shook away the dream, and looked into the orb. A man's face glowed on the orb. He was smiling. He was handsome with dark hair like mine, dark eyes like mine, but pale skin like Daniel. Before I could get a better look Hades stole the orb back and pocketed it in his warrior outfit.

"I never like that man." I could taste blood in my mouth now. "Remeber when your mom wanted to tell you something about Daniel, that was it. She wanted to tell you that he was your brother."

"Which is why, I had to set off a monster sensor for the bell to go off," Daniel informed me.

"Shut the hell up, Daniel! Now, for my deal."

"What deal!" I yelled.

"Well the deal where I give Daniel all of y'alls friends back for your life, sweetheart. Now, you can live with me forever. Ever wonder why I had those monsters attack demons and angels in the first place. I needed leverage! Now that I have it, I feel that is a fair trade. Don't you think?" Hades laughed. He just laughed!

I pounced ontop of Daniel, but of course he knew my move and freezed my body to the grass with his magic.

"What about Josh?!" I screamed.

"I just needed an excuse for something above your level of knowledge, sweetheart," Hades answered.

"You know I can't die! If you do kill me, I won't go to hell with you or heaven with Zeus. I'll just... be dead. My body's magic energy isn't capable of going anywhere if death happens!" I tried to reason with Hades.

"It's worth a try though! Daniel!" Hades yelled.

Daniel grabbed the angel crystal, while Hades grabbed the demon crystal. Damn, Daniel's ice wasn't melting. I am stuck. Both crystals touched my neck, bringing chills down my back. Before they both plunged into my neck, Daniel apologized again.


Death. I was right. My vision was filled with black. All black. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll come back to life one day. I know it. I can see it. I'm different though. Changed. Nicer. Blonde.

Hades is probably waiting for me. My mom is probably waiting for me. My two brothers are probably crying because of me. Oh Garry, how I'll miss you. I will say, we will meet again. Until then, don't look for me, please.

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