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War that one word can cause fear and destruction war can ruin everything in it path it can cause many death and many sadness. Will this war ruin the supernatural creatures will it change the world? Does the lycan know what they are getting there self into.

It seems like a cold night there wasn't no animals around they can sense it going to turn ugly really fast so they did the only thing they can do and hide from the war hide from them. The sound of wolves howling gets closer and closer to where Alex and the rest of the people were standing at they weren't afraid they are ready to fight and end this.

One wolf was spotted his cold brown eyes are set on Alex the wolf was snarling and growling his powerful legs were bend he was ready to attack at anytime and then the other wolves emerged all of them line up next to the wolf that came out first. Than that man who was sick and crazy came out the one and only "alec"

His eyes were narrowed down his brown eyes were looking at the people he was going to fight he was over-confident that he will win and he will make history of killing the lycan and having his mate "Anna." By his side. No one spoke to one another they were waiting until alec spoke "she will be mine and once I'm finished with all of you no one will be able to stop me." His dark voice spoke.

He smiled at them showing his yellow messed up teeth to them he didn't care if he look dirty all he came here for is Anna and he won't stop until he has her next to here he was a sick man a very sick man but who can blame him,if he did this to himself he looks at the wolves and they snap there heads to the enemy and attack.

The war has started....

Arrows were flying everywhere aiming at the enemy the vampire king and his pack members were attacking and sucking the blood of the hunters that were up on the trees. The taste of blood was everywhere making the vampires more eager to attack and hear the sounds of painful cry.

Alex was on rampage mode killing every enemy with the snap of his fingers he tear the wolf apart the flesh  of fur where everywhere blood was around him his aim was to get to alec and make his death a painful death. Alec wasn't afraid he was smiling at the chaos that was happening. Everyone was fighting for the death.

It was a long hard battle that they were face with but luckily the witches were helping Alex and the other alpha and there pack members they all use the Magic to protect them. Even though Mary is old she is still one of the most powerful witches. She was in charge of Alex safety.

Her focus was on him only the fight continues to get worse as more wolves have appeared everywhere Alex didn't care if he was hurt all he wants is his mate and newborn pups to be safe. After a couple of minutes he finally was able to get to alec he was breathing heavily his muscles going up and down.

Alec had a smile on his face but then he stop and charges for him wrong move as soon he got closer to him Alex move away and was able to kick him making alec land on his face he got dirt all around him and inside his mouth. But that when the fought like crazy.

They were both hungry man trying to kill one other they kept on going at it.but no one saw Anna walked out of the woods she had a arrow that was ready to shoot she waited until Alec was off him and she took a deep breath and the arrow made it way to the target. It hit him right on the forehead killing him in the spot.

She drop the arrow on the ground her heart was beating fast she just killed him like if it was nothing she knew it was the only way for everyone to be safe. It seems like everyone saw when he was killed because the enemies ran away from the scene and it was only Alex and the rest of the alphas and the vampire king stone.

Stone has dried blood coming out of his mouth but that didn't bother him at all. Everyone look at each other they knew that this war was finally over and Anna pack can be at peace. Anna runs to Alex and checked him to see if he got hurt when she touch his stomach he wince.

Making Anna worried "we are going to the doc." She said pulling at his hand. She knew that he wanted answers on how and why she got out of the room. The doc told Alex to sit on the bed and while they waited Alex saw blood on Anna clothes "you got hurt." She look at the dress and she shakes her head.

"It like it was fate." She told Alex making him confused "what you meant it was like fate?" And she screams with joy "I was able to get out because the doc had to come and help teddy give birth to her pups,and it fate because they all have the same birthday." Anna said giggling with happiness.

Alex smiled at his mate he was happy that he didn't lose her. "Where are the pups." She look at him "they are still downstairs with teddy they are sleeping." And he nods....

When the doc stop the blood from coming out he was able to move freely and together Anna and Alex went to see there pups.


The war is finally over! Alec is dead

Tell me how you guys feel now that the war is over

And at the same day teddy gave birth to her pups omg

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