Part 29 Rose's power

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Eric was sleeping with Abby when someone woke him up.

Who's there ? Eric Asked Them

It's me. Rose Said

Oh Rose what's wrong ? Eric Asked Rose

I had a nightmare. Rose Said

Oh well do you wanna sleep with us I don't think Abby will mind. Eric Said

Thank's Da I mean Eric. Rose Said

Rose got In bed with them and went to sleep.

                                                             THE NEXT MORNING 

Eric woke up to Rose holding onto him and sleeping and Abby giggling.

That's so cute. Abby Said

Well she had a nightmare and she came In her and I let her sleep with us was that ok ? Eric Asked Abby

It's ok I used to have nightmares when I was little. Abby Said

Just then Rose woke up and sat up and yawned.

Morning Abby Morning Eric. Rose Said

Morning Rose. Abby and Eric Said

I'm gonna go look for something to eat. Rose Said

Rose got up and ran out of the room.

I'm gonna go take a shower. Eric Said

Mind If I join you ? Abby Asked Eric

I don't mind. Eric Said 

Eric and Abby got up and walked Into the bathroom to take a shower.

Damn you're hot. Abby Said blushing

Thank;s you are two. Eric Said

Thanks but I don't think I'm that attractive. Abby Said

Why Is this about you being trans like I said I don't care you look like a woman to me. Eric Said

Abby smiled.

You're just saying that. Abby Said

No I'm not I think you're gorgeous. Eric Said

Thank's Abby Said

Abby shoved Eric Into the shower and jumped In after him.

                                    MEANWHILE IN THE KITCHEN   

Whiskers walked Into the kitchen to Rose struggling to reach a box of cereal.

Need some help ? Whiskers Asked Rose

No I can do It I want to be independent. Rose Said

Rose kept trying to reach the box to no avail.

Are you sure. Whiskers Said

Rose sighed.

Fine. Rose Said 

Whiskers walked over and grabbed the box and handed It to her.

There you go. Whiskers Said

Whatever. Rose Said

Rose walked away well Tavoni put her hands over whiskers eyes.

Guess who. Tavoni Said

Is It my sexy girlfriend Gwen. Whisker Said

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Tavoni Yelled

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