Part 35 Tavoni's funeral

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Eric was walking down the halls of the Bounty hunters guild when he found his old room.

Shit haven't been here In awhile. Eric Said

Been where sweety ? Abby Asked Eric

This Is my old room me and Jackie used to hang out here when I lived here. Eric Said

Ohhhhh so you used to live here so did they train you too ? Abby Asked Eric

Yep Gwen taught me everything I know. Eric Said

Ok so Is she like a mother to you or something ? Abby Asked Eric

No more like an ex girlfriend who trained me. Eric Said

Wait you and here used to be together. Abby Said

Well not really we just had sex once but that was a long time ago. Eric Said

So wanna go In ? Abby Asked Eric

Sure. Eric Said

Eric opened the door and him and abby went In abby saw the Cosmo the supercat poster.

So you're a fan of cosmo the super cat I'm guessing. Abby Said

What makes you say that ? Eric Asked Abby

Abby pointed to the poster.

Eric blushed.

I ummmm was just holding It for a friend. Eric Said

Then why Is It on the wall then. Abby Said

Eric sighed.

Fine I'm a fan of cosmo. Eric Said

See was that so hard. Abby Said

I was just afraid you'd think less of me If you knew I was a fan of him. Eric Said

Abby Smiled.

Silly I could never think less off you. Abby Said

Eric Smiled and kissed Abby.

Let's go find Rose we have to get ready for the funeral later. Eric Said

Yeah good idea. Abby Said

Abby and Eric left the room and walked back to the main hall to see Greg and Rose In the comic shop they walked over to them.

What are you two doing not stealing I hope. Eric Said

No dad I'de never steal. Rose Said

No sir we were just browsing. Greg Said

Good let's get going. Eric Said

Everyone left the Comic shop Rose looked at Eric.

Where we going ? Rose Asked Eric

Tavoni's funeral. Eric Said

Rose looked down.

Ohhhhh. Rose Said

Everyone walked to the funeral and sat down with Gwen and Ellen.

Hey Eric you doing ok ? Ellen Asked Eric

Yeah I'm doing fine well as fine as I can that Is. Eric Said

That's good. Ellen said

Just then Master Wildlust walked on stage and looked at everyone.

Tavoni was a good whatever she was and I hope she's In a better place or whatever. Master wildlust Said

Thank you Master wildlust. The priest Said

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