Part 47 goodbye Clara

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Eric Gwen and Abby looked to see Lord varin standing there.

What do we do ? Gwen Asked Eric

Try to stop whatever he's doing. Eric Said

Sound's like a plan to me right Abby.

Abby glared at them both,

What the fuck ever. Abby Said

Eric ran over to Lord Varin and tried to punch him but Lord Varin doged.

Nice try son but you'll have to do better than that If you want to kill me. Lord Varin Said

I will kill you no matter what I have to do. Eric Said

Lord Varin chuckled.

I'd like to see you try son. Lord Varin Said

Eric tried to punch Lord Varin but Lord Varin grabbed Eric's fist and broke It making Eric scream.

ERIC!!!!!!!!!!! Abby and Gwen yelled

Abby ran at Lord Varin well Gwen teleported on top of the building and pulled out er sniper and aimed It at Lord Varin.

I'm gonna fucking kill you. Abby Said

Abby tried to kick Lord Varin but Lord Varin grabbed her foot and threw her against the wall.

Gwen ammed and get ready to shoot.

Almost just need a little more time. Gwen Said

Gwen shot and the bullet hit Lord Varin's armmer and Lord Varin looked up at Gwen.

Nice try little girl. Lord Varin Said

LITTLE GIRL I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gwen Yelled

Gwen teleported behind Lord Varin and punched Lord Varin In the back but I did nothing.

That almost hurt little girl. Lord Varin Said

Shit now what do I do. Gwen thought to herself

Abby got up and ran at Lord Varin.

This time I'll hit you. Abby Said

Abby ran up and tried to punch and kick Lord Varin but he kept dogging.

Stop fucking dugging and fight like a man. Abby Said

Just then Greg Rose and Tony walked outside.

Who the hell Is that ? Tony Asked Greg

That's Lord Varin he's an evil man who Is Eric's father we have to help. Greg Said

Greg ran over and pulled out his gun and started shooting Lord Varin.

Well you both stop. Lord Varin Said

Lord Varin grabbed Abby's foot and threw her at Greg and they both hit the wall and fell over.

That's It I won't let you hurt my friends anymore. Eric Said

Eric got up and kick Lord Varin In the side and Lord Varin fell to his knees.

You're pretty strong that makes sense considering you've got my geins In you. Lord Varin Said

Shut up and die I'm nothing like you. Eric Said

Eric punched Lord Varin and he few Into the tree.

Fucking brat I'll teach you a lesson. Lord Varin Said

Just then Clara walked outside to see Lord Varin and her eyes went wide.

It can't be. Clara Said

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