•21• Chapter

117 9 1

Jungkook's POV

Both SeonMi and I were quiet. She stared out the window while I listened to songs on my head phone.

"Jungkook! Jungkook ah! Yo wakey wakey." A voice said as I felt a light nudge on my arm.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw SeonMi shaking me.

Her words sounded awfully familiar but I couldn't put my shoe in it. I decided to forget it.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat straight. I didn't realise that I had fallen asleep.

"Oh? Nothing." She chuckled before continuing. "Just that we're the last one to get off the bus and you just won't wake up so.... hurry up." She slowly pushed me.

I walked out of the seat and off the bus. Ms Kang and the other teachers were glaring at us. We both bowed an apology.

"You are a really deep sleeper Jungkook." SeonMi laughed. I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed.

"Did you try to wake me up a lot?" I asked.

"Yes, five times actually." She smiled and hung the bag over her shoulder. "Let's go. I'm so excited."

I thought this would be boring. I followed the line of the students with SeonMi by my left side.

I chuckled when I saw her skipping up and down.

"Don't get so excited. These school trips are always boring." I shook my head making her stop. She looked up at me.

"It's so not. It's gonna be f.u.n." She spelled out before skipping again. I rolled my eyes. She acted like a total child.

We followed the teacher as we took several breaks to admire the view and to rest.

While walking we all came up with our group name. None of the students in my group had any idea so I thought of seagull.

A girl who had too much make up on agreed even though I thought it was a weird idea that no one would agree on.

The boys agreed after the girl did. SeonMi only laughed and said seagull repeatedly.

The views were beautiful but it was still boring.

"Will you lighten up?" SeonMi panted from the long walk. I stared at her red face and I couldn't help laugh at her. "Sure." She rolled her eyes. "Laugh all you want. Now you think it's fun?"

"Not really. This is still boring." I tried not to laugh.

She rolled her eyes and turned on her heel to follow the teacher to the tent area.

I turned to follow her but she was standing and looking through the bush on the right. She walked there leaving the group behind.

I couldn't just leave her so I jogged up to her to get her but she was a bit fast.

"SeonMi? Wait up. We need to go back." I held her arm as soon as I reached her. She turned to face me.

"Wait. I saw a squirrel there." She leaned forward to go deeper into the forest. I pulled her back.

"Of course there are squirrels. You can see them later but now come back or else we'll get lost"

She frowned and followed me out of the forest and onto the track.

"What? They're gone." She cried walking faster. I didn't know why she kept staring at me until I looked at my hand. I was still holding onto her arm so I quickly removed my hand.

"We should start walking, we might catch up to them." I suggested walking along the track. I heard SeonMi running up to me.

We walked for 5 minutes until we saw two different track ways. I mentally slapped myself. Great...

We debated on which track was the one. We couldn't decide at all. I tried shouting but there was no sound.

"W-We're lost?" SeonMi asked me. I didn't know where we were at this point and she didn't either so I nodded. "I'm too young to die and it's all my fault."

"It is certainly your fault." I blurted out without thinking. My mouth seemed to be working faster than my brain. I covered my mouth right after realising what I had said.

"Thanks a lot. Why don't you try calling?" She glared at me. It was her fault anyways so why was she giving me a glare?

"I tried already. No signal." I sighed before sitting on a big rock on the side. She sat beside me.

I scooted a bit so that I was a foot away from her while still sitting on the big rock.

"I don't bite boy." She rolled her eyes plopping her bag on the ground. "The sun is setting and I don't want to be out here at night. Let's find an area to lay our tent for the night."

I wanted to disagree and keep looking for our classmates and teachers but her idea was a good one.

We walked a bit further until we found a clear area to lay our tents. Luckily I knew how to fix my tent so I was easily able to do it in minutes.

"Where the hell is it?" SeonMi shouted shaking her bag several times and might I say aggressively. "I hate this. This is no fun." She shouted again.

I just knew her for a couple of weeks, she was always smiling and sweet but I've never seen the aggressive side of her.

It was funny, scary and cute at the same time.

"You didn't bring a tent?" I asked walking up to her. I offered to look through her bag but she denied.

"No thanks, I have...personal stuff you know." She said and I guessed she meant personal stuff by girl stuff so I didn't push it. "I think I dropped the tent bag in the bus."

I thought about where she could sleep and after a while I got a thought. "Sleep in my tent."

"No, I can't sleep in there." She shook her head.

"Relax I'm not going to sleep in the tent with you ." I breathed from my nose while she scrunched her nose.

"Where will you sleep if I sleep in the tent?" She asked standing up from the ground and picking up her bag along with her.

"Hurry up before I change my mind and you have to sleep on the ground." I said heading to my tent to get some blankets.

SeonMi quietly walked to the tent and got inside.


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