•58• Chapter

81 6 5

Third Person's POV

"I'm going to tell her." Jungkook said to his older friend looking the most excited he had been ever since he got in the ship.

"That's great Jungkookie." Yoongi said and pinched his left cheek.

"Tell her what?" The cheerful orange haired boy asked joining Jungkook and Yoongi's private conversation.

"Jungkook has a crush, jungkook has a crush." Yoongi singsonged loudly as they walked to their rooms.

"Omo, our Jungkookie is growing up so fast."

Jungkook smiled sheepishly as Yoongi didn't stop singing and he even did a vocal, or at least he tried to like his friends in his group BTS.

"I'm gonna tell her I like her." Jungkook said to Hopi but glared at his other hyung who was annoying him as well as a few of the other boarders on the ship. "Stop it hyung."

Yoongi ignored him completely and sang louder but little did they know that someone else was listening to them.

"Who is she though?" Hopi asked. "How is she like?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, a deep shade of pink flushed on his creamy skin. "She's pretty and nice. She has brown hair and beautiful brown eyes." Jungkook said as if he was describing the most beautiful girl in he world.

Hopi hummed amused by his smaller friend yet muscular and tall.

He put his arms around Jungkook's neck, playfully dragging him it their room with the singing sensation Min Yoongi to hear the rest of his description about his dream girl.

"Y-Yea of course I'm listening, mom." JangMi lied. She was totally not listening to what her mother had to say to her about taking care of her things. "I'll call you later."

Before her mother could say another word, JangMi hung up on her and took a deep breath.

H-He likes me? She thought. Even the thought made her blush a deep shade of pink.

Although, he hadn't said who he was talking about or much information but the little amount of description he gave to his hyungs made it clear to JangMi that it, she did have brown hair and she did have brown eyes.

She squealed with joy as she jumped up and down with hands going everywhere.

The people in the hallway were giving her weird looks but she didn't care until the old phone dropped from her hand and onto the ground, landing screen down.

"Oh my god." She gasped and bent down to check if the phone's screen was broken or not. She picked it up and turned it-

SeonMi's going to kill me. JangMi groaned at the thought of her friend strangling her. It's old anyways and she probably already saved Jungkook's number from here.

All this time, JangMi had thought SeonMi had that old phone because Jungkook's phone was it because what else could there be, right?

There was no way she was going to tell SeonMi now. She could either tell SeonMi the truth or tell her that it got lost and return it to her after fixing it like it was never broken in the first place.

JangMi decided on the latter as she made her way back to the dorm. She walked for a while until she reached the door to room that she and her friend shared.

"Jang-" SeonMi began but soon got cut before she could ask her if she checked any of her messages of Jungkook and you-know-who.

*Cough* Essa *Cough*

"You won't believe what happened." JangMi exclaimed as SeonMi continued to use the dryer not really guessing what her friend was about to say.

"What?" SeonMi spat, her heart now on her lungs making it hard for her to breathe.

"Jungkook likes me."

"He what?" SeonMi said trying not to choke on her own saliva. She switched the dryer off for good as it was causing hella noise.

But, what about their connection? The electricity? The whole time of getting to know one another? The panic attack?

JangMi suddenly got an idea. "What am I waiting for?" She said to herself. "I'll be back, SeonMi. I'll talk to you later."

Before SeonMi could stop her, JangMi turned on her heel, shutting the door loudly that she couldn't hear SeonMi's sob escaping her lips.

JangMi turned left almost tripping on her foot from the fast walk she was doing. It was like nothing could stop her until someone...
something did.

A text popped up on the shattered screen of the old phone. She stopped from her tracks, she looked at the screen to see Jungkook's username.

You won't believe what happened.

If Jungkook liked her then why was he texting SeonMi?She hesitantly opened the text as SeonMi was stupid enough to not put a password on the phone.

She almost fell on her butt just by reading a few lines of the conversation that SeonMi and Jungkook shared that she wished she had fallen.

What the hell is this? She thought until she had enough of the texts. She thrust the phone deep in her pocket and made her way to Jungkook's door.

She knocked on the door lightly until a boy with black messy hair, black sweatpants and an oversized white tee could be seen.

"Hey, JangMi. What's up?" Jungkook said a bit taken aback by seeing the quiet and polite girl in front of him. It almost hurt JangMi that she wanted to stop doing what she was about to do next.

"I'm BabyEssa10."

Miss me? ≪Jeon Jungkook≫ BTS [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ